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Pana's Hidden Gem: Beyond Burlap Home Decor, Gifts & More

3 years 1 month ago
PANA’S HIDDEN GEM: Beyond Burlap Home Decor, Gifts & More By Tara L. Cale There is a hidden gem on the edge of Pana that I discovered purely by accident about a year ago. I was traveling from meeting with a Pana client, Anarchy Disc Golf, Games, and Hobbies, to a vet appointment for Magnum in Assumption. Shortly after turning onto Route 51, I saw signs and banners for what appeared to be a cute little store, Beyond Burlap. I didn’t have time to stop then, but I headed back after the appointment, and I am so glad I did! Stacy Taylor had been imagining having her own gift and home decor shop for quite some time. Though she put in long hours at her regular employment, she would come home and make signs, t-shirts, and other artisan items to sell from her home-based craft room. Her husband, Jeremy, watched her glow while she created, and listened as she talked passionately about opening a store. The couple looked at available buildings within the city limits of Pana, but nothing

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Edwardsville Fire Department Holds Important Ice Training At LeClaire Lake

3 years 1 month ago
EDWARDSVILLE - The Edwardsville Fire Department conducted required annual training for each shift on the lake ice at LeClaire Park in Edwardsville on Sunday and Monday. "This is required annual training for each shift, so we typically do it on three different days each year," Edwardsville Fire Chief James Whiteford said. "Due to scheduling, calls, and weather, they may or may not be scheduled back to back. "This year our simulation included a woman walking on the lake and falling through the thin ice, then her husband going out on the ice to attempt a rescue. This provided two challenges for our rescuers. First, getting the husband off the ice so he didn’t become an additional victim. Second, locating and maintaining visual contact with the victims' last known location. It also incorporated Incident Command practice for the officer in charge." The chief said before going out on the ice each of our rescuers must be in protective ice water suits. "Practice putting these suits

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Kadi & Josh's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Kadi & Josh from Cottage Hills Date Met/Started Dating: February 25, 2021 Briefly Describe First Date: Ice Skating at the East Alton Ice Arena. Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Camping, Cooking, Watching our shows together. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Always be there for each other and never go to bed upset with one another.

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Ashley & Andy's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Ashley and Andy (Ashley is Wreck-it Ralph and Andy is Fix-it Felix) from Godfrey Date Met/Started Dating: December 8, 2011 Briefly Describe First Date: Casual hang out with a movie. Date Married: January 23, 2016 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We are lame, lol, we like to find a good show on Netflix and lay in bed together. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Always communicate with each other, no matter how hard it can be. Your partner is your best friend...don't ever forget that!

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Lumière Place Casino & Hotel To Become Horseshoe Saint Louis

3 years 1 month ago
ST. LOUIS – Legendary casino brand Horseshoe is coming to Saint Louis as Lumière Place Casino & Hotel begins a transformation into Horseshoe Saint Louis. The property evolution is expected to be finalized in spring 2022. The transformation into the legendary Horseshoe will include a renovated exterior with Horseshoe signage, a new look for the casino floor, including updated carpeting and lighting, new slot options, and a brand-new Starbucks coming later in the year. In keeping with Horseshoe’s classic sophistication, the design team will incorporate a handcrafted feeling with tooled leather, dramatic colors, and the brand’s signature gold horseshoe iconography. Additional details will be announced as the evolution progresses. “We’re thrilled to usher in a new era and bring the historic Horseshoe to Saint Louis,” said Brian Marsh, General Manager of the property. “Horseshoe Saint Louis will bring a new look and introduce some exciting

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Illinois Failed To Submit Pollution Reduction Plans To The Environmental Protection Agency

3 years 1 month ago
SPRINGFIELD - Yesterday, a coalition of organizations filed a notice of intent (NOI) to sue the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its failure to enforce the Regional Haze Rule required by the Clean Air Act. The Regional Haze Rule is designed to protect our national parks and wilderness areas from fossil fuels and other sources of pollution that cause haze clouds, which contain vast smog-like clouds of pollutants that degrade air quality over hundreds of miles. Analysis done by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) shows that the Prairie State coal plant is one of Illinois’ most significant contributors to regional haze pollution. While Illinois does not have any areas specifically protected under Regional Haze Rule, the state hosts several heavily polluting facilities that degrade air quality at dozens of our country’s national parks in neighboring states. The EPA must enforce the existing application deadline and insist that the Illinois EPA submit

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How To Be A Safe Space For Someone

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON – Have you noticed that people are brimming over with anger lately? One of the reasons for this is that we’ve bottled up too much emotion. Instead of dealing with our emotions, we’ve developed a tendency to just stuff them away. We bite our tongues, choke back tears, stifle sobs, and try to suppress every outward show of emotion because we want to be “strong.” The problem is that all those pent up emotions don’t just go away. Instead, they just keep accumulating, and we can only bottle things up until our bottles get full. There usually comes a day when, without much provocation, our bottle overflows – often in the form of an angry outburst. But let’s back up. Why are we holding everything in? Is it because we think we’ll seem weak if we cry or admit that we’re struggling? Is it because we are afraid people will think we’re dramatic? Is it because we don’t know who we can trust? Is it because we think

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Local student Alexandra Bergin named to Dean's List at Aurora University

3 years 1 month ago
AURORA – Aurora University has named Alexandra Bergin of Alton, IL, to the Dean's List for the fall 2021 semester. Bergin is majoring in Sport Management, Marketing. The Dean's List recognizes full-time undergraduate students who have earned a 3.6 GPA or higher. Founded in 1893, Aurora University is a four-year, private, nonprofit, accredited higher education institution offering students an exceptional education. Aurora University is located on a beautiful 39-acre campus in Aurora, the second-largest city in Illinois, approximately 40 miles from Chicago. The university serves more than 4,000 undergraduate and approximately 2,000 graduate students across more than 50 majors and programs. AU leadership, faculty, and staff are committed to the success of our students, offering academic support programs, hands-on learning activities, internships, and community partnership opportunities that prepare students to be successful beyond AU.

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OSFM Raising Awareness During Burn Safety Week

3 years 1 month ago
SPRINGFIELD - National Burn Awareness Week February 6-12, is an initiative of the American Burn Association. Burn Awareness Week, observed the first full week in February, is a window of opportunity for organizations to mobilize burn, fire and life safety educators to unite in sharing a common burn awareness and prevention message in communities. The theme for National Burn Awareness Week 2022, “Burning Issues in the Kitchen”, where a common risk of injury exists from scald burns, improperly used appliances, and distracted cooking occur. Annually, in the United States, approximately 400,000 people receive medical care for treatment of burn injuries. In 2018 alone, there were 3,655 deaths from fire and smoke inhalation and another 40,000 people were treated in hospitals for burn related injuries. “Every 60 seconds someone in the U.S. sustains a burn injury serious enough to require treatment. Be on alert! Stay in the kitchen while cooking and create a three-foot kid-free

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Flutist Abdur-Razzaq Gives Jazz-Inspired Civil Rights Lesson During SIUE's Opening Of Black Heritage Month

3 years 1 month ago
EDWARDSVILLE - The tunes were raw and gritty, smooth and haunting, and sometimes charged and electrifying. The lyrics that leapt out were of hate and love, humanity and inhumanity, and struggle and freedom. Jazz music co-starred with civil rights historical facts during the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Black Heritage Month’s (BHM) opening ceremony at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1, held virtually and hosted by The Inclusive Excellence, Education and Development Hub (The Hub). Renowned jazz flutist Galen Abdur-Razzaq was the keynote speaker. The theme for BHM is “Black Excellence in Action.” “In celebration of our Black Heritage Month, we honor the many contributions that Black students, faculty, and staff have made to SIUE and our surrounding communities,” said SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook. “SIUE works every day to make our community more inclusive, diverse, and accessible. Every year, the month of February comes with the opportunity

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Claire Christeson Is Tom Lane State Farm Insurance Female Athlete Of The Month For CM

3 years 1 month ago
BETHALTO - The Civic Memorial High School girl’s basketball team has been on a tear this season, currently sitting at 26-4, and a major contributor to their success has been senior center Claire Christeson. While yes, she has been out the majority of this season, it’s what she does off the court and on the bench that is really inspiring to her team. During the game against East St. Louis, where her side won 57-55, she was one of the loudest ones in the gym as she cheered on her Eagles from the sideline. She was grabbing her teammates' water when they needed it and was always one of the first ones in the huddle during timeouts, showing that you don’t have to lead the team in points to be a team leader. Claire Christeson is the Tom Lane State Farm Insurance Female Athlete of the Month for CM. “I think it is very important. I’ve had multiple teammates come up to me and say how much it has helped knowing that I’m on the bench supporting them,”

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Rock Springs Drive Drainage Improvement Project Will Increase Walkway Safety

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - A low bid for the Rock Springs Drive drainage project was approved at Monday night’s Alton Committee of the Whole meeting at City Hall. The approval should result in a solution for an erosion problem in that area, Alton Mayor David Goins said. “It is an erosion problem from rain and they are going to redo the whole area,” Mayor Goins said. “There will be a new guard rail a brand new sidewalk and erosion mitigation done. "It is going to be great for our children to keep them safe in their walks to and from school and for other adults who walk in the area. This will enable our children to walk on the sidewalk instead of the side of the street when there is mud on the sidewalk. This will keep them safe from traffic on the road.” Mayor Goins said the Rock Springs Drive improvement project is “long overdue” and also said the park is one of the crown jewels of the city. “Rock Springs Park has always been a beautiful park,”

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Haine Issues Statement Following Appellate Court (TRO) Decision on Subcircuit Law  

3 years 1 month ago
EDWARDSVILLE — Madison County State’s Attorney Tom Haine issued the following statement after today’s ruling by the Fourth District Appellate Court of Illinois. “Today the temporary restraining order (TRO) which suspended the application of the new subcircuit law in Madison County was reversed by the Fourth District Appellate Court. We are disappointed with this result, but appreciate the court’s prompt decision. We remain undeterred in our fight against this unconstitutional law. “We find significant encouragement in the Appellate Court’s analysis. In today’s summary order, the Appellate Court pointedly asked for a deep consideration of one of our central concerns: ‘the issue of whether the General Assembly can eliminate all at-large judgeships within a particular judicial circuit.’ The Appellate Court then ‘encourage the parties and Circuit Court to proceed expeditiously in this matter given the implications on the

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Brooke & Kenneth's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Brooke "Babe and Kenneth "Love" from Cottage Hills Date Met/Started Dating: November 11, 2017 Briefly Describe First Date: We drove down the river road. Date Married: October 21, 2023 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Riding motorcycles, hanging out with our nieces and nephews, going to the movies, and camping. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Communication, praying for each other, always stay dating each other.

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Juvenile Apprehended In Potential Stolen Vehicle/Aggravated Fleeing/Eluding Police Officer Case

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - The Madison County Sheriff’s Office and the Alton Police Department teamed together on Monday, Feb. 7, 2022, to get a juvenile in custody after a report of a reckless driver. The call about the driver came in at 8:37 a.m. Monday, and Madison County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Will Dimitroff said it was determined it was a stolen vehicle and the young driver was “driving erratically.” “We pursued it into the City of Alton and the car was eventually stopped by the City of Alton Police and the Madison County Sheriff’s Office,” Capt. Dimitroff added. The Madison County Sheriff’s Office captain said the case is under review about potential charges of aggravated fleeing and eluding a police officer and stolen vehicle. Dimitroff said he was thankful the juvenile was taken into custody and off the road. Capt. Dimitroff thanked the Alton Police for their cooperation in stopping the reckless driver.

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Shaun & Nikki's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Shaun & Nikki from Alton Date Met/Started Dating: August 19, 2021 Briefly Describe First Date: He hopped in my DM on social media asking if I wanted to go on a date, that he would take me. I declined, letting him know I don’t need a pity date - I want something real. Date Married: Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We enjoy date nights out in town patronizing our local businesses. Our favorite is Macs TimeOut and Santinos. We really enjoy a Netflix and chill kind of night the most. Foot rubs and a good movie. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Never expect your partner to make you happy. Do the work to keep yourself happy.

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Allen & Kayla's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Allen & Kayla from East Alton Date Met/Started Dating: December 2, 2010 Briefly Describe First Date: Buffalo Wild Wings, He gave me his hoodie because it was cold outside. Date Married: July 25, 2015 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Working on cars, fishing, camping, taking our RZR out. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Never go to bed angry, and always love each other when times get tough.

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Curt & Vikki's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Curt & Vikki from Moro Date Met/Started Dating: March 28, 2007 Briefly Describe First Date: Mall & Applebee’s for dinner Date Married: July 18, 2009 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Traveling, riding our motorcycle, getting together with friends & family, and trying new restaurants. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Be the real you. Have fun & create a lifetime of memories! Talk things out and laugh about it later!

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