Pana's Hidden Gem: Beyond Burlap Home Decor, Gifts & More
PANA’S HIDDEN GEM: Beyond Burlap Home Decor, Gifts & More By Tara L. Cale There is a hidden gem on the edge of Pana that I discovered purely by accident about a year ago. I was traveling from meeting with a Pana client, Anarchy Disc Golf, Games, and Hobbies, to a vet appointment for Magnum in Assumption. Shortly after turning onto Route 51, I saw signs and banners for what appeared to be a cute little store, Beyond Burlap. I didn’t have time to stop then, but I headed back after the appointment, and I am so glad I did! Stacy Taylor had been imagining having her own gift and home decor shop for quite some time. Though she put in long hours at her regular employment, she would come home and make signs, t-shirts, and other artisan items to sell from her home-based craft room. Her husband, Jeremy, watched her glow while she created, and listened as she talked passionately about opening a store. The couple looked at available buildings within the city limits of Pana, but nothing