a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Ron DeSantis really wants your money

1 year 3 months ago
NBC News reports that state officials working for Ron DeSantis are soliciting campaign contributions from lobbyists with business before the state: NBC News spoke with 10 Republican lobbyists in Florida, all of whom said they couldn't remember being solicited for donations so overtly by administration officials — especially at a time when the governor still ...continue reading "Ron DeSantis really wants your money"
Kevin Drum

Supreme Court blows off Congress in wetlands case

1 year 3 months ago
The Supreme Court today severely curtailed the EPA's ability to regulate wetlands under the Clean Water Act. This was a genuinely complicated case, but the big problem is that the court majority was able to do its work only by twisting the clear instructions of Congress. The CWA defines wetlands as anything "adjacent" to lakes, ...continue reading "Supreme Court blows off Congress in wetlands case"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: LGBT households

1 year 3 months ago
According to the Wall Street Journal, same-sex couples account for 1% of all households nationwide. Of that, half are married and a little less than half are unmarried partners. The remainder live alone or in other arrangements.
Kevin Drum

Earnings are not up

1 year 3 months ago
Over at the Washington Monthly, Robert Shapiro argues that Americans—and Democrats in particular—should be more aware of big wage gains over the past year. It's something to brag about. The problem is that it really isn't true. There are several common ways of measuring wages, and nearly all of them show no gains at all ...continue reading "Earnings are not up"
Kevin Drum

M-Protein update

1 year 3 months ago
I'm feeling back up to making charts, so I thought I'd show you one that clarifies my progress with the CAR-T infusion. This is just the crudest sort of extrapolation, so take it with a grain of salt. As it turns out, I've actually had three M-protein measurements. The first was several days before the ...continue reading "M-Protein update"
Kevin Drum

Health update

1 year 3 months ago
I am definitely on the mend. My counts are practically up to normal; the Bell's palsy is receding; my energy is slowly returning; and my appetite has improved. Everything is getting better. But the bigger news is that I finally got my first M-protein result. As you'll recall, this is a proxy for the total ...continue reading "Health update"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 3 months ago
Here are two views of Coachella. The first was taken in the early morning while the second was taken on a moonlit evening.
Kevin Drum

Should AI be regulated?

1 year 3 months ago
A few days ago, OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, testified that artificial intelligence posed significant dangers and ought to be regulated. Yesterday, though, he released a short brief on the subject and, remarkably, it turns out he doesn't want anything regulated at all. Not in practice, anyway. For starters, here's what he affirmatively does want regulated: ...continue reading "Should AI be regulated?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 3 months ago
Today is the first day of the French Open. It's just qualies this week, but it's still technically the opening. In honor of this, here's a picture of the sculpture of Roland Garros at the front gate of the stadium. Garros was a World War I aviation pioneer after whom the stadium is named.
Kevin Drum

Health update

1 year 3 months ago
Really, everything was very positive today. My counts are going steadily up; WBC and RBC are getting close to normal, ditto for platelets, which were all but zero a few days ago. It's hard to stay positive, but that's solely because of the extreme fatigue, which I was warned about and is totally expected. The ...continue reading "Health update"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 19 May 2023

1 year 3 months ago
This picture amuses me. It's Charlie with our lizard, but for some reason he's pretending to ignore it. He only did this for a few seconds before springing back into action, but I wonder what he was thinking? Trying to trick the lizard or something?
Kevin Drum