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Kevin Drum 🕸

Instagram has a pedophile problem

1 year 3 months ago
The Wall Street Journal reports today that Instagram "helps connect and promote" a huge network of pedophile sites: Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities. Its algorithms promote them. Instagram connects pedophiles and ...continue reading "Instagram has a pedophile problem"
Kevin Drum

Charter schools work—but only for Black and Hispanic students

1 year 3 months ago
The third edition of CREDO, a study of charter school performance, was released today. It covers the years 2014-2019 and shows much stronger performance for charter schools than the previous two studies: Performance is measured here in "days of learning," with 180 days as the baseline. The latest study shows that in reading, charter students ...continue reading "Charter schools work—but only for Black and Hispanic students"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 3 months ago
This is the interior, looking up, of "Connector," a monumental sculpture by Richard Serra. It stands in the courtyard of the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, where it is alleged to connect all its disparate elements.
Kevin Drum

Unruly airline passengers remain a plague even with the pandemic over

1 year 3 months ago
Reports of unruly passengers skyrocketed during the pandemic, but how are we doing since then? Not so well: IATA, an international airline trade association, reported a couple of days ago that incidents of bad behavior were up 37% in 2022. This is sort of perplexing since the pandemic year of 2021 saw a skyrocketing amount ...continue reading "Unruly airline passengers remain a plague even with the pandemic over"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: A golden age of bullshit

1 year 3 months ago
From Alex Stamos, director of Stanford University’s Internet Observatory, on the capabilities of modern AI language tools: I think we’re entering an incredible era of bullshit. I can hardly wait.
Kevin Drum

Republicans have now introduced over 500 anti-trans bills

1 year 3 months ago
When I first put up this chart in February, Republicans had introduced 362 anti-trans bills. As of June, they've introduced 556: This is stark raving mad, and there's no reason for it aside from pure tribal insanity. The whole business simply beggars belief.
Kevin Drum

For Republicans, it’s conspiracies all the way down

1 year 3 months ago
Today I learned about ERIC, a national data clearinghouse that helps states keep their voter rolls accurate. It does this by sharing information among states about voters who have moved, changed their registration, mistakenly registered in multiple places, or died. Since Republicans are constantly complaining about inaccurate voter lists that can lead to fraud, you'd ...continue reading "For Republicans, it’s conspiracies all the way down"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: “He jerked them around for a year and a half.”

1 year 3 months ago
Bill Barr, hardly a woke lefty, says that Donald Trump is getting exactly what he deserves in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case: Bill Barr on the classified documents investigation: "This is not a case of the DOJ conducting a witch hunt...This would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents, but he jerked ...continue reading "Quote of the day: “He jerked them around for a year and a half.”"
Kevin Drum

Ukraine was behind the Nord Stream bombing all along

1 year 3 months ago
It turns out that the country behind the September 2022 bombing of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline was almost certainly Ukraine—and US government officials have known it all along. The Washington Post reported this today based on intelligence leaks from the Discord Papers: Details about the plan, which have not been previously reported, were ...continue reading "Ukraine was behind the Nord Stream bombing all along"
Kevin Drum

Missouri leads the nation in dog attacks on mail carriers

1 year 3 months ago
The postal service announced today, as part of National Dog Bite Awareness Week, that more than 5,300 postal carriers were attacked by dogs in 2022. They list California and Texas as the top dog attack states, but of course this is only because California and Texas are the biggest states. A different story emerges if ...continue reading "Missouri leads the nation in dog attacks on mail carriers"
Kevin Drum

The debt ceiling crisis probably cost less than half a billion dollars

1 year 3 months ago
One of the (many) downsides of the debt ceiling debacle is the possibility that it undermined faith in US treasury bonds. If that happened, interest rates on treasuries would increase, potentially costing the government billions in higher funding rates. So did this happen? A very rough back-of-the-envelope look at treasury yields suggests it did—a little ...continue reading "The debt ceiling crisis probably cost less than half a billion dollars"
Kevin Drum

SEC sues world’s biggest crypto firm over commingling and diversion of customer funds

1 year 3 months ago
Over the past year three huge crypto firms have failed: Genesis, FTX, and Three Arrows. At least two of them came to ruin because they were fundamentally corrupt and misused customer funds. But none of these three is the biggest crypto firm. Binance is. A few months ago I noted this and asked, "When Binance ...continue reading "SEC sues world’s biggest crypto firm over commingling and diversion of customer funds"
Kevin Drum

A quarter of young people support surveillance cameras in every house

1 year 3 months ago
This is the damnedest thing I've seen in a long time. The Cato Institute recently commissioned a YouGov survey about support for a Central Bank Digital Currency. For what it's worth, only 16% support it, but that's of minimal interest. Cato also asked a few other questions, and for some reason one of them was ...continue reading "A quarter of young people support surveillance cameras in every house"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 3 months ago
Here is a triptych of wind turbines. All of them were shot in the vicinity of Whitewater, a pass in the mountains near Palm Springs that's home to a huge wind turbine farm.
Kevin Drum