a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Corporate bureaucracy is the worst bureaucracy

1 year 2 months ago
Bruce Bartlett has something to say about the public's frustration and resentment toward government bureaucrats: Corporate bureaucrats are probably worse than government bureaucrats, and we deal with the corporate-types far more frequently. Try calling customer service for any big company. The irony is that only government bureaucrats can control the corporate bureaucrats. — Bruce Bartlett ...continue reading "Corporate bureaucracy is the worst bureaucracy"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 2 months ago
This is quite the cobweb, non? I took the picture at the Javel metro stop, right along the Seine, on our first night in Paris last year.
Kevin Drum

Letโ€™s not forget the history behind the Mueller investigation

1 year 2 months ago
Over at Politico, Rich Lowry has joined the throng of Republicans saying that President Biden should pardon Donald Trump. It has a chance of "sapping some of the poison out of the system," he says. That poison, Lowry says, is largely due to conservative anger over unpunished Democratic wrongdoing in the cases of Hillary Clinton ...continue reading "Let’s not forget the history behind the Mueller investigation"
Kevin Drum

Total worker comp in Q1 is highest in San Francisco, lowest in Miami

1 year 3 months ago
The BLS released its estimate of total worker compensation for Q1 today. This includes both wages and benefits. Here's where pay is highest and lowest: The nationwide average for private industry workers is $41 per hour. It's significantly higher for public workers ($58), union workers ($54), and big companies ($59). Adjusted for inflation, total compensation ...continue reading "Total worker comp in Q1 is highest in San Francisco, lowest in Miami"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 3 months ago
No, this is not from Texas. It's a lovely yellow rose from our backyard. I suppose it has a formal name, but I don't know what it is.
Kevin Drum

Retail sales increase slightly in May

1 year 3 months ago
Adjusted for inflation, retail sales increased at an annualized rate of 2.7% from April to May. However, this small increase did nothing to change the overall downward trend in retail sales over the past year:
Kevin Drum

Rich and poor countries are opposites in how they respond to global warming

1 year 3 months ago
Tyler Cowen pointed me toward an odd new research paper today. The authors set out to determine the effect on economic growth of changing temperatures, which they broke this into two parts: steadily changing temperatures (from global warming) and temporary temperature shocks. Their basic finding is that temperature changes have had negative economic effects on ...continue reading "Rich and poor countries are opposites in how they respond to global warming"
Kevin Drum

Fed finally backs away from yet another rate increase

1 year 3 months ago
The Fed is finally backing off its endless series of interest rate hikes—but only slightly: The Federal Reserve is leaving interest rates unchanged for the first time since spring 2022, signaling a new chapter in the central bank’s fraught fight against inflation. ....The Fed also signaled more rate hikes would come before the end of ...continue reading "Fed finally backs away from yet another rate increase"
Kevin Drum

Is Oak Flat sacred?

1 year 3 months ago
In 2014, after more than a decade of lobbying, Congress passed a bill that transferred land near Oak Flat, Arizona, to a mining company that planned to build a huge copper mine on the land. This prompted opposition—and a lawsuit—from an Apache resistance group led by Wendsler Nosie Sr., a 64-year-old Apache elder, which claims ...continue reading "Is Oak Flat sacred?"
Kevin Drum

TV may be better than ever, but TV watching is down

1 year 3 months ago
Over at his substack, Matt Yglesias muses about television and suggests that maybe it's something we should panic about: As Tim Cook encourages us to spend more time sitting alone in dark rooms, enjoying immersive audiovisual experiences, I can’t help but think that the panickers, at least those of the last few decades, might have ...continue reading "TV may be better than ever, but TV watching is down"
Kevin Drum

The FBI abused its surveillance of Americans 278,000 times in 18 months

1 year 3 months ago
Section 702 of the FISA Act allows agencies like the NSA to eavesdrop on foreign nationals overseas. It prohibits spying on US citizens or anyone who's within the United States. But sometimes NSA ends up collecting the communications of US citizens anyway. Quite often, in fact. This is legal as long as it's not intentional. ...continue reading "The FBI abused its surveillance of Americans 278,000 times in 18 months"
Kevin Drum