a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Remember NATO Article 5?

1 year 2 months ago
Next week there's a NATO summit in Vilnius and naturally Ukraine is on the agenda. Today, a group of 46 foreign policy experts signed a letter recommending membership for Ukraine as soon as possible: In Vilnius, the alliance should launch a roadmap that will lead clearly to Ukraine’s membership in NATO at the earliest achievable ...continue reading "Remember NATO Article 5?"
Kevin Drum

Threads needs a little time before it descends into bedlam

1 year 2 months ago
On Wednesday Meta launched Threads, a new social media app designed to compete with Twitter. It's already signed up 30 million users, and you'd think this would be broadly welcomed since Twitter users have been bitching forever that Twitter is a cesspool that's only gotten worse since it was purchased last year and subjected to ...continue reading "Threads needs a little time before it descends into bedlam"
Kevin Drum

Two-thirds of all doctors have received vicious harassment over COVID-19

1 year 2 months ago
Do you think that all the MAGA vaccine denial and mask vitriol is basically harmless? Hell, let 'em do whatever they want to their own bodies and then vent about it on Facebook. There's one group that would disagree: A new survey of physicians and biomedical scientists in the U.S. found that nearly two-thirds experienced ...continue reading "Two-thirds of all doctors have received vicious harassment over COVID-19"
Kevin Drum

Journalism is doomed! Journalism is better than ever!

1 year 2 months ago
Over at New York, John Herrman pulls no punches describing the American news business: American news is a smoldering wasteland....Cable news is in trouble, the twin threats of streaming and social-media video having sapped it of relevance....Print media is simply disappearing in much of the country, and where it still exists, it is in barely ...continue reading "Journalism is doomed! Journalism is better than ever!"
Kevin Drum

Are we in a tight labor market? Have we ever been?

1 year 2 months ago
How tight is the labor market? I've long been mildly skeptical that it's as tight as people seem to think, and today Jason Furman tweets the following chart: If this is correct, the labor market was equivocal around 2021, with two measures suggesting looseness and three measures suggesting tightness. Since then, the measures showing tightness ...continue reading "Are we in a tight labor market? Have we ever been?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 2 months ago
Here's a pigeon hanging out on a traditional French chimney. But where? I can't quite remember. It's just across one of the bridges on the right bank of the Seine, but I can't put my finger on exactly where I was.
Kevin Drum

Inflation for services is (probably) coming down

1 year 2 months ago
Here's a little something not to take too seriously. Today the Institute for Supply Management released its latest indexes, one of which is a price index for services. This is a number worth following since services continue to be the component of inflation that's staying stubbornly high. However, ISM doesn't report a specific price increase ...continue reading "Inflation for services is (probably) coming down"
Kevin Drum

Judge Doughty has driven off the State Department. Whoโ€™s next?

1 year 2 months ago
Judge Terry Doughty's judicial handiwork is having an immediate impact. He must be feeling so proud: One day after a Louisiana federal judge set limits on the Biden administration's communications with tech firms, the State Department canceled its regular meeting Wednesday with Facebook officials to discuss 2024 election preparations and hacking threats. ....The canceled meetings ...continue reading "Judge Doughty has driven off the State Department. Who’s next?"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: New solar capacity by state

1 year 2 months ago
Who has the most new solar capacity? Obviously big states do. But what if you adjust for population and look at solar module shipments per capita? It turns out it's mostly still the big states that are solar leaders: California, Texas, Georgia, and Illinois. But Nevada has them all beat by a mile.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 2 months ago
Here are last night's fireworks. This year I decided to trek around to the far side of the lake and shoot with our (patriotically lighted) bridge in the foreground. Much hilarity ensued because my flashlight didn't work and I kept fumbling with the camera buttons. Eventually I got everything set right and captured a few ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Can a shop owner be compelled to celebrate same-sex marriage?

1 year 2 months ago
The other recent Supreme Court case that I'm on the fence about is 303 Creative. In that one, Lorie Smith didn't want to create a website celebrating a same-sex marriage and the Court upheld her refusal. In my initial post about it, I said the Court relied on a "thin distinction indeed": namely that while ...continue reading "Can a shop owner be compelled to celebrate same-sex marriage?"
Kevin Drum

Why can the Supreme Court overturn the student loan forgiveness program?

1 year 2 months ago
Earlier this morning I said there were two recent Supreme Court cases that left me conflicted. One of them was the decision that killed off the student loan forgiveness program, so let's take a closer look at that. The easiest legal argument in favor of allowing the program to continue is a simple syllogism: The ...continue reading "Why can the Supreme Court overturn the student loan forgiveness program?"
Kevin Drum