a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 2 months ago
The top photo shows the sun setting over a Marine Corps construction project on the beach at Camp Pendleton. The project is a bunch of concrete boxes, and I don't know what they're for. Urban warfare exercises? The bottom photo is the same scene but from a different angle. The big cloud on the left ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Rupert Murdoch hates incompetent bigotry

1 year 2 months ago
According to Rolling Stone, Rupert Murdoch is wavering in his support for Ron DeSantis: In recent weeks, the Murdochs have grown increasingly displeased with the DeSantis campaign’s perceived stumbles, lackluster polling, and inability to swiftly dethrone Trump....According to two of the sources, Murdoch has privately winced at DeSantis’ nonstop cultural-grievance strategy, arguing that it is ...continue reading "Rupert Murdoch hates incompetent bigotry"
Kevin Drum

Chart of the day: Headlines are getting more pessimistic

1 year 2 months ago
I don't know for sure how accurate this is, but it's certainly intriguing: This comes from David Rozado, who says he used ChatGPT to "automatically label a longitudinal sample of 1.7 million headlines from 12 popular U.S. news media outlets." If he's right, there was a big surge in pessimistic headlines in the late '60s ...continue reading "Chart of the day: Headlines are getting more pessimistic"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 2 months ago
Here are two views of the Palace of Versailles. They show pretty vividly why I've never much liked it: it's one of the most boring piles of stone in Europe. What's more, I've never been a fan of formal French gardens, so I don't even like the gardens of Versailles that much. And I've never ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Unanimous consent is a cancer in the Senate

1 year 2 months ago
Apparently everyone loves Monica Bertagnolli, Joe Biden's pick to run the NIH. Even Bernie Sanders likes her. But Bernie is miffed at Biden over some trivial issues related to drug pricing, so he's blocking her appointment. The impasse is just one of several Biden has encountered with respect to his nominees....Biden’s pick to run the ...continue reading "Unanimous consent is a cancer in the Senate"
Kevin Drum

Why did Black men suddenly abandon the labor force in April?

1 year 2 months ago
Here is a mystery. Ever since the pandemic, Black men have been increasing their participation in the labor force. By March of this year they had increased their participation rate to match white men for the first time in history. Then, in a single month, participation for Black men suddenly tumbled by 2.7 percentage points ...continue reading "Why did Black men suddenly abandon the labor force in April?"
Kevin Drum

Clarence Thomas: Itโ€™s Christmas, so pay up

1 year 2 months ago
More Clarence Thomas weirdness today. His top aide, Rajan Vasisht, was responsible for collecting payments from guests to Thomas's annual Christmas party: Vasisht’s Venmo account — which was public prior to requesting comment for this article and is no longer — show that he received seven payments in November and December 2019 from lawyers who ...continue reading "Clarence Thomas: It’s Christmas, so pay up"
Kevin Drum

Inflation is over โ€” if you calculate it the way Europe does

1 year 2 months ago
Over at the Wall Street Journal, James Mackintosh gets some surprising front-page treatment for a dovish take on inflation: If core inflation came in just below 3%, the Federal Reserve would breathe a huge sigh of relief....It isn’t merely a dream: Measure U.S. price changes the way Europe does, and inflation was already there in ...continue reading "Inflation is over โ€” if you calculate it the way Europe does"
Kevin Drum

Some AI experts are really rattled by the whole extinction thing

1 year 2 months ago
Philip Tetlock's Forecasting Research Institute conducted an exercise last year on the topic of human extinction events. Why? Who knows. Their report was released yesterday and, long story short, a group of various experts predicted a roughly 10-20% chance of catastrophe by 2100 (10% of human race dies) and a 1-6% chance of total extinction ...continue reading "Some AI experts are really rattled by the whole extinction thing"
Kevin Drum

Need to improve your racial profiling image? Just issue a bunch of fake tickets to white people.

1 year 2 months ago
Well, this is weird. A few years ago police investigators found out that four state troopers in Connecticut had been entering fake traffic tickets into an internal police database: Four troopers had collectively entered at least 636 fake tickets into the state police computer system over a nine-month stretch to make it appear they were ...continue reading "Need to improve your racial profiling image? Just issue a bunch of fake tickets to white people."
Kevin Drum