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Kevin Drum 🕸

Raw data: Auto travel per person

1 year 2 months ago
Vehicle miles traveled per adult peaked in 2004 and has fallen pretty steadily since then. By 2022 it had partly recovered from its pandemic dip but was still 10% below the 2004 peak.
Kevin Drum

DeSantis’s personal guard: Fewer hurricanes, more immigration stunts

1 year 2 months ago
Last year Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis decided he needed to revive the old State Guard under his personal command—in order, he said, "to respond to a projected active hurricane season." In particular: In a natural disaster-prone state such as Florida with a potentially active hurricane season on the horizon, there is a clear and present ...continue reading "DeSantis’s personal guard: Fewer hurricanes, more immigration stunts"
Kevin Drum

The Republican apocalypse

1 year 2 months ago
It's natural for Republicans to dislike the Democratic agenda and vice versa. But check out these Republican quotes from a Wall Street Journal story today: “It’s like half the country has lost their minds. People don’t even know what gender they are.”...If Republicans lose again, “it’s going to be the downfall of our society.” “We ...continue reading "The Republican apocalypse"
Kevin Drum

Fed hikes haven’t slowed the economy—yet

1 year 2 months ago
Catherine Rampell says that if we achieve the coveted economic soft landing, it won't be because of anything radical we did: It will be because of boring, standard economic textbook fixes for inflation: i.e., supply shocks subsiding, fiscal support fading and, most controversially, interest rates rising. The Federal Reserve’s 10 rate hikes since March 2022 ...continue reading "Fed hikes haven’t slowed the economy—yet"
Kevin Drum

Mississippi revisited: The Mississippi reading miracle looks to be real after all

1 year 2 months ago
I never expected to get dragged down the rabbit hole yet again of Mississippi's "reading miracle," but I have no choice. It looks like I might have been wrong again. Sigh. Let's recap: In 2013 Mississippi passed a new law that focused on teaching phonics in elementary school. The results were impressive. After the law ...continue reading "Mississippi revisited: The Mississippi reading miracle looks to be real after all"
Kevin Drum

Lunatic judge in censorship case is sent packing

1 year 2 months ago
Remember that lunatic judge last week who decided the federal government was censoring right-wing views and banned them from talking to social media? His order was appealed and today the 5th Circuit issued, with no comment, an emergency stay. Routine cooperation about election security and other issues can now resume. Although the 5th Circuit is ...continue reading "Lunatic judge in censorship case is sent packing"
Kevin Drum

Conservatives and school boards: We’ve seen this movie before

1 year 2 months ago
Moms for Liberty is a group of Republican women whose goal is to elect conservatives to school boards around the country. This is nothing new. Republican women did the same thing in the early '60s to fight communism in schools; again in the '80s after Anita Bryant inspired the Moral Majority to fight gays in ...continue reading "Conservatives and school boards: We’ve seen this movie before"
Kevin Drum

Team Transitory has been right all along—but way too optimistic

1 year 2 months ago
In 2021, when inflation started to take off, there were two opposing sides: Team Transitory and Team Structural. In particular, Team Transitory believed that taming inflation didn't need a lot of help from the Fed because it was fundamentally the result of temporary pandemic supply shocks that would fade on their own. I've been on ...continue reading "Team Transitory has been right all along—but way too optimistic"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: What the Army looks like these days

1 year 2 months ago
Rep. Eli Crane, who looks and sounds disturbingly like a Batman villain, yesterday introduced an anti-woke amendment to the military funding bill that would prohibit "race, gender, religion, or political affiliations, or any other ideological concepts as the sole basis for recruitment, training education, promotion, or retention decisions." Then he dug himself a further hole ...continue reading "Raw data: What the Army looks like these days"
Kevin Drum

Twitter pays Andrew Tate for his keen social insights

1 year 2 months ago
I was under the impression that Twitter had lost most of its ad revenue, but I guess it's using whatever's left to reward some of its star content creators: On Thursday, Twitter announced that it would begin sharing ad revenue with content creators on its platform for the first time.....The first beneficiaries appear to be ...continue reading "Twitter pays Andrew Tate for his keen social insights"
Kevin Drum

Net zero by 2050?

1 year 2 months ago
Are you in the mood for some rare optimistic climate news? The Rocky Mountain Institute released a report today forecasting that solar and wind are growing so fast and getting so cheap that they're now on track to produce 30% of all electricity by 2030 and upwards of 70-85% by 2050: If we can do ...continue reading "Net zero by 2050?"
Kevin Drum

I guess Sweden didn’t kill everyone after all

1 year 2 months ago
Excess mortality is generally considered a better guide to COVID deaths than actual counts of COVID deaths themselves, which are subject to considerable interpretation and dispute. Here are the excess mortality rates for Scandinavia, the US, and a bunch of large European countries: Sweden is at the very bottom. There's only one country that's noticeably ...continue reading "I guess Sweden didn’t kill everyone after all"
Kevin Drum

DeSantis targets—and hits—voter registration drives

1 year 2 months ago
Last year Florida lobbed a tactical nuke at groups that register voters by dramatically raising the fines when they make mistakes—like delivering forms late or to the wrong county. Today the Guardian tells us that in less than nine months Florida has collected more than $100,000 in fines, 80% of which have come from three ...continue reading "DeSantis targets—and hits—voter registration drives"
Kevin Drum