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Kevin Drum 🕸

Consumer spending up in June, but growing slowly

1 year 1 month ago
Consumer spending grew at an annualized rate of 4.7% in June but remained well below its pre-pandemic trend: Since the start of the year, spending has increased only 0.65%, an annualized rate of 1.3%. That's a big slowdown from the 4.4% annual rate of the previous two years.
Kevin Drum

Why does Facebook want you to be on their algorithmic feed?

1 year 1 month ago
Social networks mostly have two different kinds of feeds: one that's a simple reverse chronological listing of posts from people you follow, and another that's controlled by an algorithm. On Twitter, users are forever complaining that the platform switches them to the algorithm without asking, and I imagine Facebook is the same. But why? A ...continue reading "Why does Facebook want you to be on their algorithmic feed?"
Kevin Drum

Italy’s problem with migrants is everybody’s problem

1 year 1 month ago
David Broder has a good piece in the New York Times today about the extremist right-wing government that's now running Italy. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has certainly moderated her rhetoric since being elected, he says, but underneath you'll still find the same old animating radicalism. This is particularly true of her government's animus toward migrants, ...continue reading "Italy’s problem with migrants is everybody’s problem"
Kevin Drum

Conventional wisdom finally agrees we’re going to have a soft landing. That’s why you should remain doubtful.

1 year 1 month ago
The time to become skeptical of something is when, after a long period of fruitlessly waiting for the opposite to happen, everyone finally gives up and agrees it must be true. That's the current state of things regarding the sudden consensus predicting a "soft landing" for the economy. Jeanna Smialek has more in the New ...continue reading "Conventional wisdom finally agrees we’re going to have a soft landing. That’s why you should remain doubtful."
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 1 month ago
This is an early sunflower blooming at our local Audubon bird sanctuary. The place was practically overrun by them.
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Manufacturing construction since 1960

1 year 1 month ago
There's lots of talk about the skyrocketing amount of manufacturing being built lately, and with good reason: Manufacturing construction is nearly flat from 1980-2015. Then there was a modest increase. But since 2021 it's nearly doubled, thanks mostly to the infrastructure bill, IRA, and the CHIPS Act. Presumably manufacturing employment will also increase once all ...continue reading "Raw data: Manufacturing construction since 1960"
Kevin Drum

Personal income up a measly 1.0% in Q2

1 year 1 month ago
The GDP report this morning was OK, but the BEA also released its estimate of personal income today. Adjusted for inflation, it increased at an annualized rate of 1.0% in Q2. Since the start of the pandemic it's up a total of 0.9%: Not so great. Inflation numbers come out tomorrow.
Kevin Drum

GDP up 2.4% in Q2

1 year 1 month ago
The BEA released its first estimate of GDP growth in Q2 and there were no surprises. It was up a respectable 2.4%: GDP growth was mostly due to increased consumer spending and nonresidential investment. For those predicting a soft landing, this was good news.
Kevin Drum

Ron DeSantis dives head first into RFK Jr. cesspool

1 year 1 month ago
Ron DeSantis decided today he has something on his mind: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), when asked if he would consider naming 2024 Democratic candidate RFK Jr. as his vice president: “Sic him on the FDA if he’d be willing to serve, or sic him on CDC.” pic.twitter.com/C7wASCmbt6 — The Recount (@therecount) July 26, 2023 DeSantis ...continue reading "Ron DeSantis dives head first into RFK Jr. cesspool"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 1 month ago
This is a cloudy peak on the road to Mt. Baldy. I was about ten miles from the top when I took it, and hoping to get a good picture of Baldy itself. But it turns out you can't, really. The only place you can get a good picture of Mt. Baldy is way down ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Americans mostly hate Republican cultural beliefs

1 year 1 month ago
Jonathan Chait has a long piece in New York about the right's latest "master theory" of political war: namely that ever since the '60s the left has engaged in a cultural "long march" that has steadily taken over practically every influential American institution—entertainment, universities, big business, etc.—and the only hope for conservatives is to wage ...continue reading "Americans mostly hate Republican cultural beliefs"
Kevin Drum