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Kevin Drum 🕸

Election momentum is swinging toward Democrats

2 years ago
Republicans in swing districts are running scared: At least nine Republican congressional candidates have scrubbed or amended references to Trump or abortion from their online profiles in recent months, distancing themselves from divisive subjects that some GOP strategists say are two of the biggest liabilities for the party ahead of the post-Labor Day sprint to ...continue reading "Election momentum is swinging toward Democrats"
Kevin Drum

Health update

2 years ago
This might well be my last M-protein test: It's been flat for the past three months, which is fine. It would be a little worrisome under normal circumstances, but since I'm now off the chemo regimen and just waiting for the CAR-T treatment, all that matters is that I'm not getting worse. And I'm not! ...continue reading "Health update"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
This was taken in the Saint-Martin neighborhood near the Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad. This is apparently a guy whose wife/partner/whatev really, really doesn't want him smoking indoors.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
The snowy peak in this photo is Iron Mountain, part of the San Gabriel range. It may not look like much, but here is Wikipedia's description: While this mountain is far lower in elevation than other Southern California summits, it is the most difficult mountain to climb in the entire region. There are no water ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Can we use fusion power to solve California’s drought?

2 years ago
The Washington Post says that fusion power is finally getting close to reality: Scientists are mere years from getting more energy out of fusion reactions than the energy required to create them, they said. Venture capitalists are pumping billions into companies, racing to get a fusion power plant up and running by the early 2030s. ...continue reading "Can we use fusion power to solve California’s drought?"
Kevin Drum

New study says American students are improving. Are they?

2 years ago
Diane Ravitch points us to a new study from Paul Peterson and Danish Shakeel that takes a look at student achievement over the past 50 years: Our data consist of more than 7 million student test scores on 160 intertemporally linked math and reading tests administered to nationally representative samples of U.S. student cohorts born ...continue reading "New study says American students are improving. Are they?"
Kevin Drum

Disease Update

2 years ago
I've been occupied with other stuff all day, so I haven't written anything for the blog. There's more to it than that, though: The news continues to be dominated by our village idiot and his chamber of secrets, and I hardly feel like there's much to say about that. At this point, the only thing ...continue reading "Disease Update"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Who benefits from student loan forgiveness?

2 years ago
According to Penn Wharton, the distribution of benefits from President Biden's student loan forgiveness program looks like this: About three-quarters of the benefit goes to working and middle-class families. One-quarter goes to the upper middle class. Because it's paid for out of the general fund, which is mostly individual income tax receipts, the loan forgiveness ...continue reading "Raw data: Who benefits from student loan forgiveness?"
Kevin Drum

Here’s how to get the hard-core homeless into homes

2 years ago
In the New York Times today, Maia Szalavitz writes about how Seattle finally tackled chronic homelessness. A few years ago Lisa Daugaard, a lawyer, developed a program called LEAD: Instead of re-incarcerating homeless people who typically already have long histories of minor arrests, police departments that participate in LEAD refer them to case management services. ...continue reading "Here’s how to get the hard-core homeless into homes"
Kevin Drum