a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
This was my last picture taken in Rome. It's a shot of the Naidi fountain (near the Termini train station) taken at sunset. It was a tough picture to take! I had to position myself in the middle of the street, so I was dodging cars while my camera was acting up and mostly not ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Biden announces $10-20,000 student debt cancellation

2 years ago
And here we go with this week's promised announcement on student debt: President Biden announced on Wednesday that he would cancel $10,000 in student loan debt for those earning less than $125,000 per year [or $250,000 per household], with an additional $10,000 for students who received Pell grants for low-income students. So we've split the ...continue reading "Biden announces $10-20,000 student debt cancellation"
Kevin Drum

Gender neutrality is hardly an invention of the wokeness movement

2 years ago
I was directed toward this blog post over at Hot Air, and I'm commenting on it more out of amusement than because it really matters. It's yet another screed about wokeness: [New York] Governor Kathy Hochul signed a new law last week that is banning a significant number of words from any use in government ...continue reading "Gender neutrality is hardly an invention of the wokeness movement"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
What is this? What are these people looking at? UPDATE: You guys are too smart and too well-traveled for me. Of course, you all know I've been posting pictures of Paris, so I guess that helped. Anyway, this is indeed a picture of people ascending the famous outside escalator of the Centre Pompidou. I had ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The increase in the office vacancy rate isnโ€™t really a pandemic phenomenon

2 years ago
We've heard a lot about how COVID-19 has devastated the commercial office market as more and more people work from home. And it's true that the vacancy rate of office space has gone up over the past couple of years. But the Wall Street Journal tells us the pandemic was not really to blame: America’s ...continue reading "The increase in the office vacancy rate isn’t really a pandemic phenomenon"
Kevin Drum

The FBI recovered 100 classified documents in its search of Mar-a-Lago this month

2 years ago
How many classified documents did the FBI find in its search of Mar-a-Lago earlier this month? Today the New York Times provides a pretty good estimate, though they leave the arithmetic to us: January: "more than 150." June: "a few dozen more." Total: "more than 300." At a best guess, this means the August haul ...continue reading "The FBI recovered 100 classified documents in its search of Mar-a-Lago this month"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
I don't know why, but I didn't expect the Seine to have locks. I thought it flowed freely to the sea. But this isn't so, and we traversed half a dozen locks on our way from Paris to Normandy. Here's one of them at dawn while I was meandering around the upper deck waiting for ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

โ€œQuiet quittingโ€ is the latest half-witted workplace meme

2 years ago
The Washington Post gets us up to speed today on the latest meme/vibe/tiktok taking over the business world. It's called "quiet quittting": Kathy Kacher, founder of Career/Life Alliance Services, said that “quiet quitting” is a new term for an old concept: employee disengagement. But it’s arriving in a moment of “unprecedented burnout,” Kacher said. It’s ...continue reading "“Quiet quitting” is the latest half-witted workplace meme"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 19 August 2022

2 years 1 month ago
A cat and his shadow. This is Charlie sitting on a kitchen cabinet that looks into the late afternoon sun. He's probably watching the birds outside the dining room window, who tend to congregate around the bird feeder at this time of day.
Kevin Drum

Inflationary pressures are easing

2 years 1 month ago
Carl Quintanilla of NBC News provides us with a sampling of charts from a recent JPMorgan report: The easing inflation/supply-chain crisis, in four charts. (via JPMorgan) pic.twitter.com/F38bpA73Mp — Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) August 19, 2022 Of course, there's always this too: The monthly change in CPI (i.e., velocity) peaked in January and has been easing off ...continue reading "Inflationary pressures are easing"
Kevin Drum

Good news!

2 years 1 month ago
This morning I got a call from the transplant folks and I now have a date for my CAR-T treatment. I'll do a bunch of testing over the next two weeks followed by a plasma collection in early September. The plasma will then be shipped off to the CAR-T factory, where it will be turned ...continue reading "Good news!"
Kevin Drum

Three-quarters of American adults read above a 6th grade level

2 years 1 month ago
Over at Bob Somerby's place he's pondering the question of whether half of all Americans read at less than a 6th grade level. Long story short, if you follow the links from a recent George Will column they lead you to a report that places everybody at one of three different reading levels. The report ...continue reading "Three-quarters of American adults read above a 6th grade level"
Kevin Drum