a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Joe Bidenโ€™s greatest accomplishment so far is . . .

2 years 1 month ago
I was thinking once again about the myth of deadlock the other day, and in particular I was thinking about what Joe Biden has managed to get done in his first 18 months. Here's a list of big things, ranked from top to bottom: Afghanistan withdrawal $1.9 trillion COVID stimulus Infrastructure bill Rallying the world ...continue reading "Joe Biden’s greatest accomplishment so far is . . ."
Kevin Drum

Wait! Again. It was really the Senate that played games with the PACT Act

2 years 1 month ago
WARNING: I have deleted the original version of this post and replaced it with something completely different. Sorry. Shall I never be rid of this stupid topic? I'm talking, of course, about the reallocation of veterans funds from the discretionary budget to the mandatory budget. Here's where I am now. The Congressional Budget Office examined ...continue reading "Wait! Again. It was really the Senate that played games with the PACT Act"
Kevin Drum

Wait! It was the House that played PACT games, not the Senate

2 years 1 month ago
Yikes. This PACT Act business is complicated. But I think I finally have it right. The Republican complaint about the bill is that it moves $400 billion from discretionary spending to mandatory spending. I explain why that matters here. Then I took a closer look and concluded that the reallocation was introduced in the Senate ...continue reading "Wait! It was the House that played PACT games, not the Senate"
Kevin Drum

Front line workers of color are doing pretty well these days

2 years 1 month ago
The Wall Street Journal had this story splashed across its front page last night: Methinks the Journal is trying too hard. It's true that white workers get more career-advancing opportunities than POCs according to this McKinsey report, but the numbers are 55%, 60%, and 62% compared to a white baseline number of 64%. If there's ...continue reading "Front line workers of color are doing pretty well these days"
Kevin Drum

Evictions are returning to near their normal, pre-pandemic levels

2 years 1 month ago
On Friday, NPR's Marketplace ran this headline: "Eviction filings hit pre-pandemic levels a year after the end of the moratorium." The evidence presented is slim—which is hardly surprising since data on evictions is all but nonexistent in the US. Eviction is a local court action and the county numbers aren't aggregated by any federal agency. ...continue reading "Evictions are returning to near their normal, pre-pandemic levels"
Kevin Drum

The crime surge in New York City is beyond belief. Literally.

2 years 1 month ago
This chart comes from Scott Hechinger, who got it from Bloomberg: The rate of shootings has actually gone down a bit over the past year, but when Eric Adams took over as mayor (in January) media coverage of shootings suddenly skyrocketed. So now everyone is scared about their safety even though there's little reason to ...continue reading "The crime surge in New York City is beyond belief. Literally."
Kevin Drum

Whatโ€™s the best word to describe the Secret Serviceโ€™s loss of text messages?

2 years 1 month ago
I started laughing about halfway through today's Washington Post story about the deletion of Secret Service text messages from the days surrounding the 1/6 insurrection. It took that long to fully appreciate the thesaurus woo of reporters Drew Harwell, Will Oremus and Joseph Menn. Here's a list of the words and phrases they use to ...continue reading "What’s the best word to describe the Secret Service’s loss of text messages?"
Kevin Drum

Obamacare gets a boost in the Inflation Reduction Act

2 years 1 month ago
We all have our favorites, and Obamacare is one of mine. So I was very happy to see that, against all odds, the latest version of the Democratic spending bill¹ includes a three-year extension of the expanded ACA subsidies originally introduced last year in the American Rescue Plan. These subsidies ensure that no one has ...continue reading "Obamacare gets a boost in the Inflation Reduction Act"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 1 month ago
I'm not a big fan of formal French gardens, but if you're going to see one I suppose Versailles is the pinnacle of the art. When we were there the famous fountains weren't running because they only operate them on weekends. I don't get that. Sure, back in the day they were an engineering marvel, ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

How long can the Russian economy hold out amid crippling sanctions?

2 years 1 month ago
So how is Russia doing these days? Tyler Cowen points us to a paper from the Yale School of Management that says the Russian economy is in terrible shape: Our team of experts, using private Russian language and unconventional data sources including high frequency consumer data, cross-channel checks, releases from Russia’s international trade partners, and ...continue reading "How long can the Russian economy hold out amid crippling sanctions?"
Kevin Drum

Stuff is getting done. Is it the start of a trend?

2 years 1 month ago
Interesting times: The Senate has passed the $280 billion chips bill and the House will soon follow. Keep in mind that it's actually about $80 billion for chips and $200 billion to fund 20 "regional technology hubs" for general research into artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing and other cool-sounding futuristic stuff. Also keep in mind ...continue reading "Stuff is getting done. Is it the start of a trend?"
Kevin Drum