a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Bye bye to auto warranty scam calls

2 years 1 month ago
This happened two weeks ago, but for some reason Bloomberg wrote about it today: The Federal Communications Commission has ordered phone companies to stop carrying traffic related to robocalls about scam auto warranties. US voice service providers must now “take all necessary steps to avoid carrying this robocall traffic,” or provide a report outlining how ...continue reading "Bye bye to auto warranty scam calls"
Kevin Drum

Is high inflation here to stay? Letโ€™s hear from everybody.

2 years 1 month ago
Paul Krugman writes today that he was wrong about inflation. Fair enough. But suppose, just for the sake of conversation, that inflation goes like this over the next year or so: This is not a projection or even a guess. Just a possibility. But if the core PCE index—the Fed's favorite!—follows the dashed line or ...continue reading "Is high inflation here to stay? Let’s hear from everybody."
Kevin Drum

I think we all know what the Secret Service did last year

2 years 1 month ago
Secret Servicegate is slowly coming into sharper focus. Here's what we seem to know: On January 16, 2021, Congress sent a "broad" preservation and production request to the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the Secret Service. Another was sent on January 25. Both requests were aimed at preserving records related to the 1/6 insurrection. ...continue reading "I think we all know what the Secret Service did last year"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 1 month ago
In honor of my new astrophotography hobby, here are a couple of pictures of the Vermont/Sunset station on the LA Metro's red line. This is the station closest to the Griffith Observatory, so it's decked out with a faux star chart. At least, I think it's faux. Do those look like real constellations to anyone? ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Why is Merrick Garland holding back on Donald Trump?

2 years 1 month ago
Why isn't Attorney General Merrick Garland pressing charges against Donald Trump? Surely the 1/6 insurrection hearings in the House have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt just how deeply Trump was involved with the mob attack on the Capitol and the effort to stop Mike Pence from certifying the election results? In the LA ...continue reading "Why is Merrick Garland holding back on Donald Trump?"
Kevin Drum

Obamacare premiums set to fall 2.3% in California

2 years 2 months ago
The LA Times reports on an announcement that Obamacare premiums will rise an average of 6% next year: Individual health insurance premiums are set to rise by an average of 6% on the state marketplace next year amid rebounding demand for medical care and uncertainty surrounding federal financial assistance, Covered California said Tuesday....Each year from ...continue reading "Obamacare premiums set to fall 2.3% in California"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 2 months ago
Ballgirls exchange a look behind Madison Keys and Taylor Townsend during a changeover in the second round of women's doubles at the French Open. Keys and Townsend won the match but then lost in the semifinals to Coco Gauff and Jessica Pegula.
Kevin Drum

Housing prices drop in Southern California for the first time in a decade

2 years 2 months ago
The LA Times reports on CoreLogic's latest report on Southern California housing prices: The region’s six-county median sale price was $750,000, down from $760,000 in May....Although median prices tend to peak in the summer, the average increase from May to June was 1.78% over the last decade....The last time prices fell from May to June ...continue reading "Housing prices drop in Southern California for the first time in a decade"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Hispanic support for the Democratic Party

2 years 2 months ago
Are Hispanic voters abandoning the Democratic Party? Fox News and the Wall Street Journal want you to think so, but Gallup disagrees: Gallup's best mechanism for tracking political inclinations over time is political party identification, a measure included in all Gallup surveys for decades....The results show that Americans' party identification swung dramatically toward the Republican ...continue reading "Raw data: Hispanic support for the Democratic Party"
Kevin Drum

The price of gasoline was down yet again last week

2 years 2 months ago
Another week, another 17¢ decline in the price of gasoline. We are now down 60¢ from the June peak, a yearly savings of about $300 per driving-age adult: Kudos for President Biden, right? After all, he was allegedly responsible for the big increase, so he must be responsible for the big decrease too.
Kevin Drum

Why doesnโ€™t the FDA have an MRA with the EMA for GMP on pharmaceuticals?

2 years 2 months ago
Question #1: Do you know what the following acronyms stand for? MRA FDA EMA GMP For the record, they are: Mutual Recognition Agreement, Food & Drug Administration, European Medicines Agency, and Good Manufacturing Practices. Question #2: If you didn't recognize all four of these acronyms, did you nonetheless have a strong opinion about whether the ...continue reading "Why doesn’t the FDA have an MRA with the EMA for GMP on pharmaceuticals?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 2 months ago
When we were in Paris the opera house became a bit of a joke. It was something both of us wanted to see, and it was only about ten minutes from our apartment, but for some reason we kept missing it. Finally, a couple of days before we left, we made it over on a ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The economy is set to improve this year โ€” if we want it to

2 years 2 months ago
Bloomberg reports that supply chain problems are visibly easing: Supply strains, while still afflicting many consumers and businesses, are becoming more mundane than menacing like they were six months ago, especially in the U.S. Snarls have eased since their pandemic peaks and some are already adding less inflationary pressure. ....But the gradual end of the ...continue reading "The economy is set to improve this year โ€” if we want it to"
Kevin Drum