a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Raw data: The fastest growing cities in the United States

2 years 1 month ago
This chart shows the growth rate of the 22 largest cities in America. Note that these are actually MSAs, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and include most of the suburbs that surround the cities. The only two cities that have lost population since 1970 are Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Detroit cut it close, but squeaked by with a ...continue reading "Raw data: The fastest growing cities in the United States"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 1 month ago
This is Captain Lionel Birger on the bridge of the Viking Skaga. Captain Birger was a serious guy, which I suppose is all for the good. After all, I don't really want to socialize with the captain of my ship. I just want him to drive carefully and get me home without a scratch. Which ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Steve Bannon is a creep

2 years 1 month ago
Over at my old stomping grounds, Dan Friedman reports on the latest tape-recorded sleaze from Steve Bannon: Aiming to hurt Joe Biden’s chances and at least narrow the election results, Bannon ensured that sexually explicit material from Hunter Biden’s laptop was widely publicized. For that, he enlisted help from his patron, exiled Chinese mogul Guo ...continue reading "Steve Bannon is a creep"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 1 month ago
A few weeks ago, coming home from one of my night sky photography sessions, I noticed that dawn looked very nice in my rear view mirror. I wasn't planning to stop, but eventually I caved in and decided to turn around. Having done that, I needed to find an exit so I could get out ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The Aughts

2 years 1 month ago
Riddle me this: what happened to the United States during the aughts? If you ask people how the nation is doing, it normally depends almost entirely on the economy. If we're in a recession, America is going in the wrong direction. If the economy is expanding, America is going in the right direction. We aren't ...continue reading "The Aughts"
Kevin Drum

Is walking out on a speaker no longer allowed?

2 years 1 month ago
Over at National Review, Charles Hilu is pissed: Incoming University of Michigan Medical School students staged a walkout of the school’s White Coat Ceremony Sunday to protest the choice of a pro-life doctor as the ceremony’s keynote speaker. ....On its face, this collective decision by many of the incoming students is inappropriate for civil society ...continue reading "Is walking out on a speaker no longer allowed?"
Kevin Drum