a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Quote of the day: On second thought . . .

2 years 3 months ago
John Eastman, the lawyer who insisted that Mike Pence had the power to unilaterally reject the Electoral College results before they were certified, suggested days after the Capitol riot that he should be on the list for a presidential pardon. https://t.co/bcXI68HxGP pic.twitter.com/AEjVkRjgBx — The New York Times (@nytimes) June 16, 2022
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 3 months ago
In Southern California right now it's the season of mustard, a horrible invasive species that overruns our hillsides seemingly earlier every year. This year there were only a few weeks of early spring greenery before everything started turning yellow. Still, like nearly any plant, it can be made to look pretty.
Kevin Drum

Why are refineries charging so much for wholesale gasoline?

2 years 3 months ago
A friend of mine passed along the latest summer gasoline outlook from the Energy Information Administration: In spring 2021, refineries sold gasoline for 59¢ more than their crude oil cost. In spring of this year, EIA projects that the difference is $1.13. That's an increase of 54¢. A few days ago I calculated that the ...continue reading "Why are refineries charging so much for wholesale gasoline?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 3 months ago
If you visit Paris and haven't been to the Musée Rodin, I highly recommend it. Not only does it have lots of beautiful Rodin artwork, but the grounds themselves are beautiful too. It's a great place to admire some artwork and to relax while you're doing it. Another nice thing is that they don't screw ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Fed should stay calm on inflation

2 years 3 months ago
Note to the Fed: going big does not make up for going late. You're already late on inflation, but there's nothing much you can do to fix this aside from cures that are worse than the disease. Stay on a steady course.
Kevin Drum

NHTSA releases non-useful crash stats for driverless cars

2 years 3 months ago
The NHTSA reported statistics today on crashes of self-driving cars over the past year. The numbers are all but useless, but here they are anyway: Tesla leads the pack among Level 2 cars, which have limited self-driving capability. Among cars with higher levels of automation, Waymo is by far the highest. But in neither case ...continue reading "NHTSA releases non-useful crash stats for driverless cars"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 3 months ago
This is the Irvine Spectrum shopping center, a vast and growing conglomeration of all the usual mall suspects. As you can see, the photo was taken at sunrise via drone. After this I have one more drone picture to show you: the one that prompted me to finally buy a drone in the first place. ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Red state Republicans are eager boosters of the Big Lie

2 years 3 months ago
The Washington Post reports today that Republican voters are eager to nominate candidates for office who repeat Donald Trump's big lie about the 2020 election being stolen: District by district, state by state, voters in places that cast ballots through the end of May have chosen at least 108 candidates for statewide office or Congress ...continue reading "Red state Republicans are eager boosters of the Big Lie"
Kevin Drum

Whatโ€™s wrong with progressive organizations? Just about everything.

2 years 3 months ago
The article of the moment in progressive circles is Monday's Ryan Grim piece in the Intercept that's subtitled, "Meltdowns have brought progressive advocacy groups to a standstill at a critical moment in world history." Quite so. The only surprising thing about Grim's account is that it took so long for someone on the left to ...continue reading "What’s wrong with progressive organizations? Just about everything."
Kevin Drum

The Fed needs to avoid panicking over inflation

2 years 3 months ago
The Wall Street Journal says the Fed is likely to react harshly to recent news about price levels: A string of troubling inflation reports in recent days is likely to lead Federal Reserve officials to consider surprising markets with a larger-than-expected 0.75-percentage-point interest-rate increase at their meeting this week. Before officials began their premeeting quiet ...continue reading "The Fed needs to avoid panicking over inflation"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 3 months ago
The top picture shows Victoria Azarenka playing at this year's French Open. A decade ago Azarenka was ranked #1 in the world but then suffered through some injuries and afterward took time off for the birth of her son. She never regained her top form after that and was ranked 15th going into Roland Garros. ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

โ€œPro-choiceโ€ is up โ€” but only among Democrats

2 years 3 months ago
Here's the latest Gallup polling on abortion, conducted "mostly" after the recent leak of the Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade: Gallup reports that pro-choice sentiment is the highest it's been since 1995. But be careful! It turns out that this is due almost solely to changes among Democrats: Democrats are now more fired ...continue reading "“Pro-choice” is up โ€” but only among Democrats"
Kevin Drum