a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

10 months 3 weeks ago
Last Friday was the final moonless night of the month, so I trekked out to Palomar Mountain to try out my new narrowband filter for a second time. I originally planned to photograph the Ghost Nebula, a smallish object with interesting colors. But at the last minute I discovered that narrowband filters don't work on ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The winner is . . . Twitter

10 months 3 weeks ago
What should I call the site originally named Twitter? The people have spoken: I'll keep on calling it Twitter for now. Maybe for another few months. Sorry, Elon.
Kevin Drum

Like it or not, we must now take another crack at free will

10 months 4 weeks ago
Apparently the idea that we don't have free will is so scandalous that the LA Times decided it needed an opposing opinion. So they recruited John Martin Fischer, a philosopher at UC Riverside, who says "of course we do." Well. I guess that's that. Argument over. But maybe not quite. I wouldn't bring this up ...continue reading "Like it or not, we must now take another crack at free will"
Kevin Drum

Antisemitic attacks have skyrocketed over the past two weeks

10 months 4 weeks ago
Here's what's happening in London: London police said on Friday they had recorded a 1,353% increase in antisemitic offences this month compared to the same period last year, while Islamophobic offences were up 140% in the wake of the attack by Hamas on Israel. ....Police in the British capital ramped up patrols amid growing tensions, ...continue reading "Antisemitic attacks have skyrocketed over the past two weeks"
Kevin Drum

It was a Hamas rocket that exploded at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza

10 months 4 weeks ago
The US government, the Associated Press, and the Wall Street Journal have all now concluded that the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza was hit not by an Israeli bomb but by an errant Hamas rocket meant for Israel. It also turns out that the hospital building itself is largely intact and the death toll is ...continue reading "It was a Hamas rocket that exploded at Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza"
Kevin Drum

Taylor Swift and post-Obama mind control

10 months 4 weeks ago
Armond White, National Review's culture critic, doesn't like the movie version of Taylor Swift's Eras tour. In fact, he doesn't like Taylor Swift. That's fair enough. She's not everyone's cup of tea, especially if you aren't part of her young-white-women demographic—which White decidedly isn't. But what on earth is this supposed to mean? The Eras ...continue reading "Taylor Swift and post-Obama mind control"
Kevin Drum

How many H-bombs does it take to pop a sun-sized bowl of popcorn? One? A thousand?

10 months 4 weeks ago
From New Scientist: A radio wave has hit Earth after travelling through space for 8 billion years. @AlexWilkins22 says it's the oldest fast radio burst ever detected, with enough energy to microwave a bowl of popcorn twice the size of our Sun 🍿☀️ I'm fascinated by the analogies science writers use. You know, the moon ...continue reading "How many H-bombs does it take to pop a sun-sized bowl of popcorn? One? A thousand?"
Kevin Drum

Biden crime family clown show still screening in a tweet near you

10 months 4 weeks ago
What with the House in chaos, there hasn't been much action on the "Biden crime family" front these days. But today the House Oversight Committee released BOMBSHELL evidence that Joe Biden received $200,000 from his brother James in 2018. This came ON THE SAME DAY that James Biden received $200,000 from a hospital company he ...continue reading "Biden crime family clown show still screening in a tweet near you"
Kevin Drum