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Kevin Drum 🕸

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 1 week ago
Yes, I'm traveling this week. Here's where I stopped for the night. Can you identify the city? UPDATE: leszekmp got it right: it's Flagstaff, Arizona, taken from an overlook on the road up to Lowell Observatory. We stopped in Flagstaff on our way to Durango, Colorado, where (a) we have friends, and (b) I will ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

CPI settles down in September

11 months 1 week ago
After last month's big spike—mostly due to gasoline prices—inflation settled down a bit in September: But the news was mixed: CPI was down but core CPI edged up. That's both surprising and unwelcome.
Kevin Drum

“Despair” doesn’t seem to have increased this century

11 months 1 week ago
Alex Tabarrok agrees that the "deaths of despair" narrative has been oversold. But he's not ready to give it up completely: I wouldn’t, however, throw out despair as an organizing principle. The evidence on “despair” goes beyond death to include a host of co-morbidities such as mental stress, marriage rates, labor force participation rates and ...continue reading "“Despair” doesn’t seem to have increased this century"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 1 week ago
This is an LBB, a little brown bird. There's nothing special about him except for excellent lighting and exceptional sharpness. So he is your bird of the day.
Kevin Drum

Will Trump blame his lawyers for advising him to overturn the 2020 election?

11 months 1 week ago
Prosecutors in the case of Donald Trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election want to know if he plans to blame poor advice from his attorneys. But why do they care? The New York Times explains: Defendants who pursue advice of counsel arguments waive the shield of attorney-client privilege that would normally protect their dealings ...continue reading "Will Trump blame his lawyers for advising him to overturn the 2020 election?"
Kevin Drum

Are “deaths of despair” really just about deaths from Oxy?

11 months 1 week ago
Matt Yglesias takes on the "Deaths of Despair" meme today. It originates with Anne Case and Angus Deaton, who wrote about it a few years ago, and, as Matt points out, it's somehow survived despite a series of statistical examinations that have left it in tatters. If you adjust for age, it becomes less dramatic. ...continue reading "Are “deaths of despair” really just about deaths from Oxy?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 1 week ago
On Sunday night I decided to try again photographing our old friend the Wizard Nebula. This time I changed two things. First, I went up to Palomar Mountain instead of out to the desert. The sky there isn't as dark, but Palomar's 5,000-foot elevation provides clearer skies and cooler weather. Second, I used a 7 ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Get vaccinated! Again.

11 months 1 week ago
A few days ago Benjamin Wallace-Wells interviewed Michael Mina, an immunologist and epidemiologist who argues that COVID-19 is a "textbook virus": the more times you're exposed the more protection you'll have. He's frustrated that we didn't acknowledge this from the start: This is a very different story about immunity than we were told through most ...continue reading "Get vaccinated! Again."
Kevin Drum

Retail shoplifting is up slightly over the past decade

11 months 1 week ago
We've all seen the videos of organized gangs barreling into stores, grabbing armfuls of merchandise, and then escaping before stunned store workers can do anything. The National Retail Federation puts some numbers to this crime wave: Savvy, confident organized retail crime gangs — who steal billions of dollars worth of merchandise each year only to ...continue reading "Retail shoplifting is up slightly over the past decade"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 1 week ago
This is a lone sailboat in the late afternoon, taken from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. There's nothing very special about this picture, but I'm accustomed to taking pictures of the Pacific Ocean, where I'm generally shooting into the sun. On the Atlantic coast you're shooting away from the sun, which certainly produces much deeper blues ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The latest Palestinian war will end the same way as all the others

11 months 1 week ago
Our latest Israeli-Palestinian war has me more depressed than I would have expected. Longtime readers with good memories will recall that I long ago lost all sympathy for Israel. I won't bother spelling out the entire list of their appalling behavior, but it's long and damning. But if it's possible to have negative sympathy for ...continue reading "The latest Palestinian war will end the same way as all the others"
Kevin Drum


11 months 1 week ago
I don't have anything in detail to say about today's surprise Hamas attack on Israel. Except this: what are they thinking? Hamas has never won a war against Israel and never will. They must know this. They'll inflict some pain, get crushed, and Gaza will end up even worse off than before. None of this ...continue reading "Gaza"
Kevin Drum