a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

New York is the third โ€œThousand-Yearโ€ flood in 2023 (so far)

11 months 2 weeks ago
New York City is suffering through yet another thousand-year flood.¹ They sure seem to happen more often than once every millennium, don't they? Based on some probably unreliable googling here and there, here's how many we've had recently in the US: Take a look at the trendline: In a very short time the number of ...continue reading "New York is the third “Thousand-Year” flood in 2023 (so far)"
Kevin Drum

Trump shills should be forced to defend Trump

11 months 2 weeks ago
Back in 2015 Jake Tapper moderated a Republican primary debate in which nearly every question was framed in terms of something "Donald Trump recently said..." And this was back when Trump wasn't even leading in the polls and certainly wasn't a former president. Today there's way more justification for doing this, but instead it's disappeared ...continue reading "Trump shills should be forced to defend Trump"
Kevin Drum

Sexually explicit YA books lead to . . . less teen sex?

11 months 2 weeks ago
The Washington Post tells us today about Jennifer Petersen, a Virginia mother who's a serial book challenger. She has so far challenged 73 books in the Spotsylvania school district, all for sexual content. The Post confirmed that this had nothing to do with race or sexual orientation: Petersen objects to any book containing graphic descriptions ...continue reading "Sexually explicit YA books lead to . . . less teen sex?"
Kevin Drum

Consumer spending up slightly in August

11 months 2 weeks ago
If it's PCE inflation day, it must also be PCE spending day. So how much did consumers spend last month? Spending was up 0.6% from the previous month on an annualized basis. It was up 2.3% from the previous year. So spending continues to increase. Not by much, though.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 3 weeks ago
Here's our final dome of the week, the dome of Sacré Coeur in Paris. Luckily tomorrow is catblogging day, because this is the last dome I have in my queue.
Kevin Drum

Republican impeachment inquiry not going well

11 months 3 weeks ago
Republicans revved up their impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden today. So how's it going? Keep in mind that these are not a bunch of spear carriers for the Biden crime family. They are the Republicans' own witnesses. 2 of GOP's witnesses at impeachment inquiry hearing say there isn't enough evidence against Joe Biden Dubinsky "More ...continue reading "Republican impeachment inquiry not going well"
Kevin Drum