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Kevin Drum 🕸

College tuition is about the same as 30 years ago

11 months 3 weeks ago
While we're all watching the latest Republican debate, I want to take the chance to repeat a chart from this morning: The actual tuition paid by college students, once you account for standard discounts, has barely changed over the past 30 years. It's up 13% at private universities and down 10% at public universities.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 3 weeks ago
What dome should I put up today? How about a nuclear dome? Here are the two containment domes at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, taken on a hazy late afternoon. It's a funny thing: San Onofre was shut down a decade ago, but all the high-tension lines coming from the station are still up ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Republicans can’t afford to attack Robert Menendez

11 months 3 weeks ago
Why are Republicans declining to call for Sen. Robert Menendez to resign? The charges against him are pretty serious, after all. Aaron Blake explains: Because Republicans believe standing by Trump is politically necessary, because they really wanted Roy Moore to hold a key Senate seat, and because they need the vote of Rep. George Santos ...continue reading "Republicans can’t afford to attack Robert Menendez"
Kevin Drum

Joe Biden is as popular as any former president

11 months 3 weeks ago
I suppose everyone is tired of me posting this chart, but sometimes I feel like I should put it up every day: Joe Biden's approval level is totally normal for this point in time. He's a few points less popular than Bill Clinton was at 140 weeks, but that's it. Everything is fine.
Kevin Drum

The cost of college has barely changed in the past 30 years

11 months 3 weeks ago
I have had my mind blown. Over at National Affairs, Dan Currell says that college tuition hasn't actually gone up over the past few decades: In the late 1980s and early 1990s, colleges discovered that the appearance of high tuition was good for marketing. Positioning one's school as "almost as expensive as Harvard" created a ...continue reading "The cost of college has barely changed in the past 30 years"
Kevin Drum

Trump & Sons guilty of fraudulently inflating property values

11 months 3 weeks ago
In case you've forgotten, Donald Trump has more than just his four criminal trials to contend with. There's also a continuing civil trial over his sexual assault on E. Jean Carroll, as well as yet another civil case brought by New York's attorney general over years of business fraud by Trump and his two adult ...continue reading "Trump & Sons guilty of fraudulently inflating property values"
Kevin Drum

“Americans” don’t think the economy is bad. Republicans do.

11 months 3 weeks ago
Over at National Review, Noah Rothman takes on the question of why so many people don't believe the Biden economy is actually pretty good. His answer is simple: It's because the Biden economy isn't pretty good, and the only ones who don't get that are sheltered elites who obsess over BLS statistics. Ordinary people, for ...continue reading "“Americans” don’t think the economy is bad. Republicans do."
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 3 weeks ago
Let's make this dome week. Yesterday I featured the observatory dome of the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar, so today is something completely different: the glass dome of the Galleries Lafayette department store in Paris. This picture was taken from directly below the dome, and it's actually a panorama stitched together in Photoshop. I couldn't ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Economic growth of big countries

11 months 3 weeks ago
Here's the annual growth rate of the largest countries in the world: Of the top eight countries, all have per capita GDPs under $15,000 except for the US, which clocks in at $60,000. Who's your bet to lead this list 30 years from now?
Kevin Drum

Supreme Court tells Alabama Republicans to stand down

11 months 3 weeks ago
The Supreme Court has told Alabama to sod off: The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused Alabama’s request to reinstate a congressional map drawn by Republican lawmakers that had only one majority-Black district, paving the way for a new map to be put in place before the 2024 election. ....The court’s order gave no reasons, which ...continue reading "Supreme Court tells Alabama Republicans to stand down"
Kevin Drum

Consumers are not loading up their credit cards

11 months 3 weeks ago
The Wall Street Journal reports that consumers are finally feeling the effects of high interest rates. They are buying fewer houses (true), fewer cars (not really true), and loading up their credit cards: “Consumers are carrying much higher balances than they were two years ago,” said Charlie Wise, head of global research and consulting at ...continue reading "Consumers are not loading up their credit cards"
Kevin Drum

Superbugs are gaining ground via economics, not evolution

11 months 3 weeks ago
We need new drugs to fight the surge of antibiotic-resistant bugs that have been making the rounds in recent years. And we have them! But there's a catch: Six startups have won Food and Drug Administration approval for new antibiotics since 2017. All have filed for bankruptcy, been acquired or are shutting down. The problem ...continue reading "Superbugs are gaining ground via economics, not evolution"
Kevin Drum

It’s all about policy

11 months 3 weeks ago
There are lots of people who think Donald Trump is a boor but plan to vote for him anyway. I'm not talking here about the dead-enders who worship Trump, but the center-right voters who really don't like him but will hold their noses and mark their ballot for him even so. Why? Because the alternative ...continue reading "It’s all about policy"
Kevin Drum