a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

11 months 3 weeks ago
I drove up to Palomar Mountain yesterday to scout around for skygazing sites, and I was surprised to find out that Caltech's stewards of the 200-inch telescope had finally opened up the observatory to visitors again. So as long as I was there I popped in. I was unable to get a good picture of ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Florida kids are allowed to feel guilt over slavery

11 months 3 weeks ago
The Washington Post reports that Black churches in Florida are now teaching history themselves because they no longer trust schools to do it fairly. The Rev. Rhonda Thomas, leader of "Faith in Florida," explains: Thomas said she took particular issue with one of the provisions in last year’s legislation: That instruction should be tailored so ...continue reading "Florida kids are allowed to feel guilt over slavery"
Kevin Drum

โ€œMass dysfunctionโ€ in Congress is all due to Kevin McCarthy

11 months 3 weeks ago
I'm sure this New York Times headline is offered in good faith, but it's just wrong: This is your periodic reminder that it's Kevin McCarthy who has sown "mass dysfunction," not the small and powerless House Freedom Caucus. McCarthy can sideline them anytime he wants by following the Senate's lead and working on a bipartisan ...continue reading "“Mass dysfunction” in Congress is all due to Kevin McCarthy"
Kevin Drum

Republicans are determined to protect their web of lies

11 months 3 weeks ago
The Washington Post today highlights the jihad by conservatives to shut down any and all efforts to combat disinformation: The escalating campaign — led by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other Republicans in Congress and state government — has cast a pall over programs that study not just political falsehoods but also the quality of ...continue reading "Republicans are determined to protect their web of lies"
Kevin Drum

Half of all Republicans think COVID vaccine is unsafe

11 months 3 weeks ago
This is completely nuts: Only 52% of Republicans think the COVID vaccine is safe. The conservative politicians and conservative media that created this situation should be utterly ashamed of themselves. And to what end? It isn't even a partisan issue. It's not as if Joe Biden would get a surge in the polls if Republicans ...continue reading "Half of all Republicans think COVID vaccine is unsafe"
Kevin Drum

Marriage has declined for exactly the reason you think

11 months 3 weeks ago
Why has the number of people getting married collapsed over the past 60 or so years? Advice to conservatives who want to convince liberals to talk up marriage: The key persuasion (if you do actually want to persuade) strategy here is to clarify that you’re talking about hectoring *men* not women. — Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) ...continue reading "Marriage has declined for exactly the reason you think"
Kevin Drum

Clarence Thomas has done fundraising for the Koch Network

11 months 3 weeks ago
Every year the Koch brothers—or brother, since David Koch died—hold a big donor meeting in Palm Springs. It's an explicitly political event that typically raises hundreds of millions of dollars for conservative and libertarian causes. In other words, it's not really the place for a Supreme Court justice. But that kind of thinking has never ...continue reading "Clarence Thomas has done fundraising for the Koch Network"
Kevin Drum

Are lots of people really quitting because they have to return to the office?

11 months 4 weeks ago
Here's a headline from the Washington Post today: Return to the office? These workers quit instead. At the risk of being a bit of a dick, the text of the story really doesn't back this up. Here's a summary of the people interviewed in this piece: Example #1: Quit because they live in Brooklyn and ...continue reading "Are lots of people really quitting because they have to return to the office?"
Kevin Drum

Traffic deaths arenโ€™t up because of George Floyd

11 months 4 weeks ago
Vox writes about our recent increase in traffic deaths: According to a 2021 survey of over 1,000 police officers, nearly 60 percent said they were less likely to stop a vehicle for violating traffic laws than they were prior to 2020, when the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police inspired nationwide protests over police ...continue reading "Traffic deaths aren’t up because of George Floyd"
Kevin Drum

Pharmaceuticals are very, very profitable

11 months 4 weeks ago
Alex Tabarrok says today that pharmaceutical companies are undervalued because "pharmaceutical innovations earn only a fraction of the value that they create." For this reason, he opposes the Medicare price controls in the Inflation Reduction Act. Trying to quantify innovation is hard. Instead, let's just look at profitability: Pharma is the most profitable major industry ...continue reading "Pharmaceuticals are very, very profitable"
Kevin Drum