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Kevin Drum 🕸

Appeals court upholds tiny part of “mass censorship” ruling

1 year ago
You may recall that a couple of months ago a right-wing federal judge ruled that the Biden administration had been engaging in a "regime of mass censorship" straight out of 1984. This was all about the government's effort to fight social media disinformation in the areas of public health and election administration, and the judge's ...continue reading "Appeals court upholds tiny part of “mass censorship” ruling"
Kevin Drum

States cannot remove Donald Trump from the ballot for engaging in insurrection

1 year ago
The 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, says this: No person shall...hold any office...who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. After the Civil War ...continue reading "States cannot remove Donald Trump from the ballot for engaging in insurrection"
Kevin Drum

Most popular nasal decongestants don’t work

1 year ago
Here's the latest FDA POWER GRAB OVER YOUR DRUGSTORE: Americans have been wasting billions a year on cold medicines like Sudafed & Benadryl with the active ingredient phenylephrine, despite conclusive evidence they don't work. But a report published yesterday may finally lead to the removal of these drugs from pharmacy shelves. 1/6 pic.twitter.com/eCv7UlR1dZ — John ...continue reading "Most popular nasal decongestants don’t work"
Kevin Drum

Did Dobbs really prompt a backlash against abortion restrictions?

1 year ago
Most polls on abortion break up responses into three categories: Should always be illegal. Should always be legal. Should sometimes be legal. The first two are obviously clear enough, but the third encompasses a very wide range of views. For example: Should be illegal except in cases of rape and incest. Should be legal early ...continue reading "Did Dobbs really prompt a backlash against abortion restrictions?"
Kevin Drum

Ron DeSantis is right about excessive 1/6 sentences, but for the wrong reason

1 year ago
Ron DeSantis thinks the Proud Boy leaders of the January 6 insurrection have received unfairly harsh sentences. I agree with him. However, we have very different reasons for thinking the sentences should be shorter. DeSantis says that BLM protesters who broke the law got lenient sentences, so the Proud Boys should too. But this doesn't ...continue reading "Ron DeSantis is right about excessive 1/6 sentences, but for the wrong reason"
Kevin Drum

Did Elon Musk deactivate Starlink coverage around Crimea?

1 year ago
Here is Elon Musk's version of the story about how and why Starlink satellite coverage around Crimea was inactive when the Ukrainian government wanted to use it to guide a drone attack on the Russian navy: There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol. The obvious intent ...continue reading "Did Elon Musk deactivate Starlink coverage around Crimea?"
Kevin Drum

Polling about Hunter Biden is off-the-charts insane

1 year ago
Here are the results of a new CNN/SSRN poll about Joe Biden's involvement with Hunter Biden's business dealings. I had to interpolate a few numbers because CNN inexplicably provided only some of them, but they're all pretty close. It's almost impossible to overstate how completely nuts this is. There is literally zero evidence that Joe ...continue reading "Polling about Hunter Biden is off-the-charts insane"
Kevin Drum

Just stop it: Health insurance costs are rising moderately *if you adjust for inflation*

1 year ago
The Wall Street Journal has alarming news: Health-insurance costs are climbing at the steepest rate in years, walloping businesses and their workers. Costs for employer coverage are expected to surge around 6.5% for 2024, according to major benefits consulting firms Mercer and Willis Towers Watson, which provided their survey results exclusively to The Wall Street ...continue reading "Just stop it: Health insurance costs are rising moderately *if you adjust for inflation*"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year ago
This bridge was built by the Army Corps of Engineers after the 1970 flood in Silverado Canyon washed out the old bridge. It spans Silverado Creek, which is normally pretty dry but got some water during our big rains earlier this year.
Kevin Drum

What teacher shortage?

1 year ago
Over at Mother Jones, we have this headline today: The Real Crisis Driving America’s Teacher Shortage The article describes a real problem: in some areas of the country, housing is so expensive that teachers can't afford a place to live. But the premise is still wrong. There's no overall teacher shortage in the US: This ...continue reading "What teacher shortage?"
Kevin Drum

Banks are in danger of a commercial real estate “doom loop”

1 year ago
Hmmm. The Wall Street Journal says that the boom times in commercial real estate loans are now well and truly over: With the commercial real-estate market now in meltdown, those trillions of dollars in loans and investments are a looming threat for the banking industry—and potentially the broader economy. Banks’ exposure is even bigger than ...continue reading "Banks are in danger of a commercial real estate “doom loop”"
Kevin Drum