a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Weekly earnings rose 4.3% in August

1 year ago
After adjusting for inflation, average weekly earnings increased at an annualized rate of 4.3% in August: Hourly earnings barely budged, but average hours worked increased 3.6%. This accounted for nearly the entire increase.
Kevin Drum

Get real, conservatives: Joe Biden is perfectly productive and energetic

1 year ago
Joe Biden's press secretary says he is "constantly working every day to get things done." National Review's Charles Cooke isn't buying it: This line reflects unmitigated contempt for her audience — which, given KJP’s job, is the entire American public. She knows what she’s saying isn’t true. And she knows that everyone knows that what ...continue reading "Get real, conservatives: Joe Biden is perfectly productive and energetic"
Kevin Drum

ChatGPT can train itself on your book. Deal with it.

1 year ago
Brian Merchant defends the Luddites: They were not opposed to progress, and certainly not to technology; most were skilled technicians themselves, who spent their days working on machines at home or in small shops. It is true that the Luddites hammered certain machines to pieces, but it wasn’t technology itself they were protesting — it ...continue reading "ChatGPT can train itself on your book. Deal with it."
Kevin Drum

Ukraine is allowed to fight back against Russia

1 year ago
Here's the latest from Russia: Russia has got to be the whiniest warmonger in history. They are constantly "accusing" Ukraine of one thing or another, as if it were somehow unfair that they're fighting back. It's a war, Vladimir, and you started it. Don't try to act offended because Ukraine is trying to win.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year ago
This is the Southern California shoreline around Santa Monica near sunset. I took it out of the airplane window on our flight out of LAX to France last year.
Kevin Drum

Wisconsin GOP threatens to use its gerrymander to keep its gerrymander

1 year ago
When Janet Protasiewicz ran for a seat on Wisconsin's Supreme Court, she campaigned on an explicit promise to reconsider the state's egregiously gerrymandered legislative map. Voters approved and swept her into office by a wide margin. This gave Democrats a majority on the court, which means there's a chance of drawing fair districts after years ...continue reading "Wisconsin GOP threatens to use its gerrymander to keep its gerrymander"
Kevin Drum

Corporate profits remained elevated in Q2

1 year ago
Nonfinancial corporate profits remained elevated in Q2 but were flat compared to Q1: The pandemic turned out to be great for corporations, if for no one else, but the last few quarters have shown a slow decline since profits peaked in mid-2022. I wouldn't be surprised to see a further decline in Q3.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year ago
I've showed you St. Michael's Abbey before, shortly after it opened in 2021. Here it is again in a different view, framed by cactus and oak trees and lit up by the late afternoon sun.
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: โ€œEither the press is losing its mind or I am.โ€

1 year ago
Franklin Foer has written a book about the first two years of the Biden administration. Part of the book is about Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan: By the end of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, President Joe Biden was sure he made the right decision after watching the events unfold in the Situation ...continue reading "Quote of the day: “Either the press is losing its mind or I am.”"
Kevin Drum