a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Republican scandals: A brief refresher

1 year ago
Just in case anyone could use a refresher, here are the most recent six "scandals" that have preoccupied Republicans during the last two Democratic administrations: Benghazi IRS tea party targeting Hillary's email Durham investigation Afghanistan withdrawal Hunter Biden And here's how they turned out: Benghazi (2012-14): There was no "stand down" order and no denial ...continue reading "Republican scandals: A brief refresher"
Kevin Drum

Breaking news: Republicans criticize President Biden

1 year ago
The Washington Post reports that President Biden's response to the Maui wildfire is being "scrutinized." But why? Although it's true that Biden's public remarks have been limited, Hawaii's governor sings his praises and the response on the ground has been great: “I’ve never seen such dedication in a president, who within six hours dedicated his ...continue reading "Breaking news: Republicans criticize President Biden"
Kevin Drum

Chart of the day: Chinese families have given up on children

1 year 1 month ago
The Wall Street Journal reports that China's fertility rate dropped to 1.09 last year: Fertility is down nearly everywhere, but China is in a class by itself. For some reason, starting in 2018 Chinese families simply decided they didn't want children. Fertility has dropped by nearly half over the past five years, an unprecedented decline ...continue reading "Chart of the day: Chinese families have given up on children"
Kevin Drum

No stars tonight in Southern California

1 year 1 month ago
As of 2:30 pm, Hurricane Hilary is hundreds of miles away and the skies are calm here in Southern California. Sadly, my planned astrophotography mission still has to be aborted with extreme prejudice, as you can see from this up-to-the-minute picture of the sky.
Kevin Drum

Why do conservatives hate renewable energy?

1 year 1 month ago
I am reminded this morning of the odd contempt that conservatives have for renewable power—There's no sun at night! The wind doesn't always blow!—paired with their seemingly inexhaustible love of nuclear power, which survives even $17 billion overruns on $14 billion nuclear plants. I myself have mixed views on nuclear. On the one hand, new ...continue reading "Why do conservatives hate renewable energy?"
Kevin Drum

Republican justice unhappy at taking what she used to dish out

1 year 1 month ago
Wisconsin has one of the most egregiously gerrymandered state legislative maps in the country. In 2022 Republicans captured 64% of Wisconsin's Assembly seats even though they won only 47% of the vote. In April Democrats won an election that gave them a majority on the state Supreme Court, and they have now filed petitions to ...continue reading "Republican justice unhappy at taking what she used to dish out"
Kevin Drum

Health update

1 year 1 month ago
I got new test results back today and my M-protein level continues to drop—which means my cancer load is also dropping: I don't know what this means. I stuck the trendline in just for the hell of it, but I doubt that it means much of anything at this point. That said, lower is always ...continue reading "Health update"
Kevin Drum

Gen X student debt is mostly about highly paid graduate professionals

1 year 1 month ago
The New York Times writes today not about the student debt woes of Millennials, but the student debt woes of Gen Xers: As of the first quarter of this year, members of Generation X held about a quarter of the nation’s outstanding $1.6 trillion in student loan debt — to the tune of nearly $49,000 ...continue reading "Gen X student debt is mostly about highly paid graduate professionals"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 1 month ago
This is the town of Buckhorn, about 40 miles northwest of Los Angeles. No, I'd never heard of it either until I had stared at a map for a while to figure out what I'd taken a picture of on takeoff out of LAX headed to Rome. It's not actually a city, merely a "populated ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: No boring policy blather for Ron DeSantis

1 year 1 month ago
From the New York Times, describing a massive internal strategy document posted today by Ron DeSantis's Super PAC: The main strategy memo for the debate contains no mention of policy — and the advice steers Mr. DeSantis away from talking about specific solutions because doing so won’t get him headlines. It's all zingers and attack ...continue reading "Quote of the day: No boring policy blather for Ron DeSantis"
Kevin Drum