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Josh Hawley endorses Vicky Hartzler in GOP primary for Missouri U.S. Senate seat

2 years 7 months ago

U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler scored a major victory on Saturday in her quest for Missouri’s open Senate seat, winning the endorsement of U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley in the crowded GOP primary. Hawley made the announcement at the Missouri GOP’s annual Lincoln Days event in St. Charles. Hartzler is part of a six-way primary, with former […]

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Jason Hancock

Tempers fray as Missouri Senate Republicans fight over Congressional map

2 years 7 months ago

When the Missouri Senate recognizes “special guests,” it is normally a pleasant diversion, announcing visits from school groups, constituents or perhaps family. Not on Thursday. Instead, it was another vehicle for airing the Republican factionalism that has shredded this year’s session.  Sen. Mike Cierpiot read prepared remarks about former Sen. Jim Lembke, a political consultant […]

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Rudi Keller

ISP Releases More Details About Area Homicide

2 years 7 months ago
GREENVILLE - Illinois State Police provided more details late Friday about a Thursday night area homicide and an ongoing investigation. At 7:24 p.m. on Thursday, February 10, 2022, Illinois State Police (ISP) District 11 and ISP Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Zone 8 agents were responding to the 600 block of East South Street in Greenville, IL where a 37-year-old female from Greenville was found deceased after a reported shooting. ISP said it was later learned that moments before the homicide, a red Dodge Challenger, was believed to be involved in a separate shooting and fled the scene. A 33-year-old male that was in the area when the fatal shooting occurred went to the residence of an acquaintance in the 500 block of East Main Street in Greenville, IL. At approximately 9:06 p.m. Thursday, a vehicle matching the description of the red Dodge Challenger was seen in Wood River. The vehicle failed to stop for the Wood River Police Department and a pursuit involving multiple agencie

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Apartments Planned for 2101 Miami in Marine Villa

2 years 7 months ago

DWC Enterprises LLC is planning a mixed-use conversion and vertical addition at 2101 Miami in the Marine Villa neighborhood. They sought a zoning change to “construct residential housing consisting of 10 one-story and two-story residential units, as well as a potential restaurant and/or commercial use on the first floor on an existing structure that used […]

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Richard Bose

Codie & Brittany's Love Story

2 years 7 months ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Codie & Brittany from Godfrey Date Met/Started Dating: March 13, 2009 Briefly Describe First Date: Dinner and a movie Date Married: August 29, 2020 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Getting on the Motorcycle and taking long rides around the Riverbend and Piasa area, trips to Florida. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Be open with each other, communicate and love one another unconditionally.

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Importance Of Prenatal Care

2 years 7 months ago
KEWANEE - Pregnancy can be a magical experience for moms and dads-to-be. It can also be a scary time as you prepare to bring a new life into the world. Taking care of yourself during a pregnancy plays a crucial role in the overall health and well-being of your newborn. The first question many women might have when they find out they are pregnant is: Where do I start? “I generally like to start with trying to make sure they are eating a healthy, well-balanced diet – so trying to aim to get five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. While all of us should be doing that at baseline, it’s extremely important in a pregnancy as well to help supply the baby with the nutrients that are needed as well as mom. And try to make sure that we are hydrated – so drinking plenty of water every day. Most women are going to end up needing increased intake of water during the pregnancy because it is much easier for them to get dehydrated,” says Dr. Haley Ralph,

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Sedentary Lifestyles Come With Major Health Risks

2 years 7 months ago
PEORIA - As we continue to weather this winter season, and as outdoor activities are few and far between, health care professionals want to remind you to keep moving, despite the season. According to a large-scale s tudy published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), inactivity can be worse for you than smoking, diabetes or having heart disease. Researchers studied more than 122,000 patients who underwent treadmill training over a 23 year span. The data showed that those who lived sedentary lifestyles had an exponentially higher risk of death than their more active peers. Dr. Darrel Gumm is an interventional cardiologist for OSF HealthCare Cardiovascular Institute. “I think it’s a real wakeup call,” said Dr. Gumm of the study. He continued, “We shouldn’t be so shocked that exercise is good, because we’ve been saying that for a long time. But now when we compare it to doing nothing. Those people who don’t do anything

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Michael & D'ana's Love Story

2 years 7 months ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Michael Holmes Sr and D’ana Taylor from Godfrey Date Met/Started Dating: October 19, 2018 Briefly Describe First Date: He asked to take me out to church, and I said yes but church didn’t happen. Instead we ended up at the old Riverbend and Alton football game. Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We both love cooking shows and cooking, listening to R&B music and watching our favorite tv shows together. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Teamwork play a major part in our relationship know matter what we always have each other back.

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Tom & Joann's Love Story

2 years 7 months ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Tom and Joann Jennings from Grafton Date Met/Started Dating: June 7, 2014 Briefly Describe First Date: We went to Regal beagle as friends. Ended up talking for 4 hours and started dating the next week. Date Married: March 14, 2015 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We love eating out, massages, going to movies, and being home with our fur babies. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Be honest always, forgive when needed, have fun and communicate well.

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Ryan & Amie's Love Story

2 years 7 months ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Ryan and Amie (We call each other babe.) from Alton Date Met/Started Dating: September 7, 2011 Briefly Describe First Date: We had dinner, a casual hang out getting to know each other. Date Married: May 31, 2014 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We like to go out on occasion for a nice dinner but staying home is best, helping each other cook dinner, and settling down for a good tv show or movie we both like. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Always keep dating each other, even after marriage. Dating never stops, make time for each other.

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Mt. Olive High School - If These Walls Could Talk

2 years 7 months ago
MT. OLIVE - Mt. Olive High School was built in 1924 and torn down on March 13, 1993. During that time, the vice president of the New York Stock Exchange, a starting running back in the Rose Bowl, many authors, Hall of Fame members, etc all passed through those hallowed halls. Old high schools in the area all looked alike - a rectangular building made of red brick. All had a very small gym. The teams sat on the stage because there was no room on the floor for team benches. When entering a game from the bench, you either jumped off of the stage or swung out with one hand on the supports for the basket. All of these brick-and-mortar buildings held numerous memories of mostly good times. We all had to go to high school until at least age 16, or in the modern times, until you got your driver’s license. The less interested students would quit at that point. High school wasn’t for everyone. You can all remember your own stories of what happened during those very important four

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Illinois Agriculture Boomed During World War I

2 years 7 months ago
Illinois Agriculture Boomed During World War I: Record-Setting Crops in Both 1917 and 1918 By Tom Emery During mobilization for World War I, a popular slogan was “food will win the war.” Illinois farmers took it to heart. In both years of American participation in the war, Illinois agriculture broke records for yield and crop value. The success was part of a comprehensive organization of statewide resources, and farming was near the top of the list. The U.S. declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, and five months later, a statewide plan for Illinois food production and conservation was implemented. The plan was under the State Council of Defense, a fifteen-member collection of state leaders that served as a “clearinghouse” for public and private agencies. The SCD was appointed by Gov. Frank Lowden and chaired by Samuel Insull, the energetic president of Commonwealth Edison in northern Illinois. Each county in Illinois had its own committee for food production

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