a Better Bubble™


Buildings Matter - Preservation Cements Our Stories and Sense of Place

2 years 7 months ago
I met with Peter Tao, who shared his family’s history of immigration to the U.S., including a connection to the Grandview Arcade building on South Grand. This story is a collaboration between Peter and I to shed some light on the history of this beautiful building and its ties to Asian-Americans in St. Louis.
Mark Groth

Anti-vaccine protesters rally against Senate confirmation of Missouri health director

2 years 7 months ago

State health director Donald Kauerauf adamantly spoke against mandating face masks and COVID-19 vaccines during a hearing Monday, as anti-vaccination demonstrators protested his confirmation in the halls outside. While protesters chanted outside the Capitol hearing room, senators inside grilled Kauerauf for nearly two hours on his views on how best to mitigate the spread of […]

The post Anti-vaccine protesters rally against Senate confirmation of Missouri health director appeared first on Missouri Independent.

Tessa Weinberg

Webster Groves bookstore sees weekend boost in sales of 'banned' books

2 years 7 months ago
In response to the current climate—social, not weather—The Novel Neighbor bookstore in Webster Groves placed a shelf containing “banned” books at the front of its store, offering 20% off the sale of any of their books that have been listed as “banned” by school boards locally and across the country.
Patrick Clark

Ameren Missouri and IDOT prepare for major winter storm

2 years 7 months ago
The impending winter storm is going to be extra challenging for road crews because we will have different precipitation types happening in different areas, but at the same time as well. Not only do we have to worry about snow on the roads but significant ice accumulation for some of the region as well.
Jaime Travers