a Better Bubble™


Corry & Hayley's Love Story

2 years 7 months ago
Our Love Story: The Couple: Corry & Hayley Wilton from Roxana Date Met/Started Dating: June 22, 2008 Briefly Describe First Date: Horseback Riding Date Married: September 28, 2013 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Riding motorcycles, ATVs, & trail riding in the jeep. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Be patient and don't ever think that leaving is the better option. The grass is greener where you water it!

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Red Cross Offers Safety Tips For Winter Storm Moving Into Missouri, Illinois, And Portions Of Arkansas

2 years 7 months ago
ST. LOUIS —The American Red Cross of Missouri, Illinois, and Arkansas is offering safety tips ahead of the upcoming snow, ice, and frigid temperatures expected over the next few days. In addition, the Red Cross is coordinating with local emergency management officials and partners in preparation for potential local community needs. Heavy snowfall is predicted in portions of Missouri with ice accumulations and extremely cold temperatures, according to the National Weather Service. Snow and colder than usual temperatures are also expected in portions of Arkansas. Every year, hundreds of Americans are injured or killed by exposure to cold, vehicle accidents on wintry roads, and home fires caused by the improper use of heaters. American Red Cross of Missouri and Arkansas offers the following tips to stay safe: Assemble an emergency preparedness kit to ensure you and your family have enough bottled water, non-perishable food and other items to stay safe at home for a few days

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Pending Missouri snowstorm trims workweek for state lawmakers

2 years 7 months ago
ST. LOUIS--With portions of the state bearing for a winter storm that could bring more than a foot of snow and potentially several inches of sleet to some areas, lawmakers in Jefferson City will head home Tuesday. Majority Floor Leader Rep. Dean Plocher's office confirmed that the Missouri House will not be in session Wednesday [...]
Gregg Palermo

Missourians will vote this November on whether to hold a state constitutional convention

2 years 7 months ago

Since the start of 2003, Missouri voters have amended the state constitution 26 times. They approved a mix of conservative and liberal ideas that include making English the state’s official language, prohibiting same-sex marriage, legalizing medical marijuana and expanding Medicaid eligibilty. The conservative ideas generally flow from the Republican-led General Assembly; the liberal proposals often […]

The post Missourians will vote this November on whether to hold a state constitutional convention appeared first on Missouri Independent.

Rudi Keller

Dissecting homicide statistics in St. Louis City and looking at 2022 projections

2 years 7 months ago

Welcome to the Murder Capital. As an epithet, it’s right up there with Gateway to the West and Mound City. Cursory Google searches about St. Louis tend to highlight the danger inherent to this place. Historic white flight and modern Black flight are, in part, predicated on a notion and narrative that St. Louis is […]

The post Dissecting homicide statistics in St. Louis City and looking at 2022 projections appeared first on NextSTL.

Tony Nipert

Federal Charges Filed Against Chesterfield, Missouri Man For Crossing State Lines With Intent To Engage In Sexual Conduct With A Minor

2 years 7 months ago
ST. LOUIS – On January 27, 2022, several federal charges were filed against John K. Low. The 38-year-old Chesterfield resident is accused of coercion and enticement of a minor, transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, and travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. According to the charging documents, on January 24, 2022, the Riley County Police Department, located in Manhattan, Kansas, received a report of a missing juvenile. The investigation revealed that the missing 15-year-old child left her residence without her cell phone. Her mother provided electronic devices to Riley County Police, who analyzed the devices for any information about her disappearance. The police department was able to locate conversations belonging to the missing female on a social media messaging application. Discovered in these conversations were plans between the victim and suspect which indicated the victim was to be picked up by the suspect, unbeknownst to her

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First Semester Honor Roll Announced For EAWR High School

2 years 7 months ago
EAST ALTON-WOOD RIVER - EAWR Announces Academic Honor Rolls for First Semester. HIGH HONOR ROLL Seniors -- Jaren Benton Emmett Booker Tray’ona Breaziel Alexis Brigman Lucas Brown Clayton Bunt Grace Byron Leana Carr Lydia Davidson Addison Denton Dawson Dunse Kayla Ellison Elizabeth Feyerabend Nathanael Fisher Jameson Floyed Mackenzie Franklin Madilyn Fry Sabrina Fulkerson Elizabeth Gernon Morgan Gibbs David Goforth Elizabeth Goodnight Emily Hall Tyler Hall Jonathan Harms Aerowyn Harris Melaina Hickerson Niyah Johnson Nickolas Kelsay Chase Keshner Quinn Knight Drake Lane Kyle Malley Julian Marshall Nicholas Mason Noah Mason Caleb Maxwell Kendall May Clayton McCauley Marissa Meyer Jaymee Neathery Hannah Nelson Aaron Niemeyer Olivia Owens Linnsi Polewski Raven Pruitt Vance Puckett Valerie Quevreaux Riley Randolph Carson Reef Lydia Ruot Jason Shaw Jordan Sheets Reece Shelton Emily Shewmaker Riley Shook Ali Sidwell Hope Simmons Nathan Slimick Kage Squier Samantha Stockl Cayden Stone

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Suicide Hotline Collected, Monetized The Data Of Desperate People, Because Of Course It Did

2 years 7 months ago

Another day, another privacy scandal that likely ends with nothing changing.

Crisis Text Line, one of the nation's largest nonprofit support options for the suicidal, is in some hot water. A Politico report last week highlighted how the company has been caught collecting and monetizing the data of callers... to create and market customer service software. More specifically, Crisis Text Line says it "anonymizes" some user and interaction data (ranging from the frequency certain words are used, to the type of distress users are experiencing) and sells it to a for-profit partner named Loris.ai. Crisis Text Line has a minority stake in Loris.ai, and gets a cut of their revenues in exchange.

As we've seen in countless privacy scandals before this one, the idea that this data is "anonymized" is once again held up as some kind of get out of jail free card:

"Crisis Text Line says any data it shares with that company, Loris.ai, has been wholly “anonymized,” stripped of any details that could be used to identify people who contacted the helpline in distress. Both entities say their goal is to improve the world — in Loris’ case, by making “customer support more human, empathetic, and scalable."

But as we've noted more times than I can count, "anonymized" is effectively a meaningless term in the privacy realm. Study after study after study has shown that it's relatively trivial to identify a user's "anonymized" footprint when that data is combined with a variety of other datasets. For a long time the press couldn't be bothered to point this out, something that's thankfully starting to change.

Also, just like most privacy scandals, the organization caught selling access to this data goes out of its way to portray it as something much different than it actually is. In this case, they're acting as if they're just being super altruistic:

"We view the relationship with Loris.ai as a valuable way to put more empathy into the world, while rigorously upholding our commitment to protecting the safety and anonymity of our texters,” Rodriguez wrote. He added that "sensitive data from conversations is not commercialized, full stop."

Obviously there are layers of dysfunction that have helped normalize this kind of stupidity. One, it's 2021 and we still don't have even a basic privacy law for the internet era that sets out clear guidelines and imposes stiff penalties on negligent companies, nonprofits, and executives. And we don't have a basic law because it's hard (though writing any decent law certainly isn't easy), but because a parade of large corporations, lobbyists, and revolving door regulators don't want the data monetization party to suffer even a modest drop in revenues from the introduction of modest accountability, transparency, and empowered end users. It's just boring old greed. There's a lot of tap dancing that goes on to pretend that's not the reason, but it doesn't make it any less true.

We also don't adequately fund mental health care in the states, forcing desperate people to reach out to startups that clearly don't fully understand the scope of their responsibility. We also don't adequately fund and resource our privacy regulators at agencies like the FTC. And even when the FTC does act (which it often can't in terms of nonprofits), the penalties and fines are often pathetic in scale of the money being made.

Even before these problems are considered, you have to factor that the entire adtech space reaches across industries from big tech to telecom, and is designed specifically to be a convoluted nightmare making oversight as difficult as possible. The end result of this is just about what you'd expect. A steady parade of scandals (like the other big scandal last week in which gay/bi dating and Muslim prayer apps were caught selling user location data) that briefly generate a few headlines and furrowed eyebrows without any meaningful change.

Karl Bode