a Better Bubble™


Appointments Now Open for Help With $500 Direct Cash Assistance Application

2 years 9 months ago

Appointments can now be made if you need assistance applying for the City of St. Louis' direct cash assistance program. The city, the United Way of Greater St. Louis and the St. Louis Treasurer’s Office partnered together in order to offer the clinic.

Direct cash assistance was a key piece in Jones’ plan for federal relief funds, but there was contention over the plan in the summer.…
Jenna Jones

Platform Co-ops Offer Startups Viable Funding Alternatives to Investor Control

2 years 9 months ago

I was extremely lucky to (VIDEO) chat about platform co-ops with Nathan Schneider, Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Boulder.

Nathan is the Author of Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping the Next Economy and Co-editor of Ours to Hack and to Own: The Rise of Platform Cooperativism, a New Vision for the Future of Work and a Fairer Internet.

The interview was conducted on the 25th October 2021 and was originally intended to be just recorded for notes of our conversation "on background" while I was researching a student (Mizzou) journalism assignment into Broadband Co-ops.

That original story got abandoned but this conversation was so interesting, Nathan kindly gave me permission to convert our call into an audio episode and publish on EQ.

The interview has been edited for clarity.

We discuss lots of interesting stuff, from topics such as new legislation passed in 2021 that improves crowdfunding options for startups and what it's like to run a platform co-op, to how blockchain innovation overlaps with the cooperative mission to create stakeholder led companies.

Jonathan Allen

How communists (briefly) ran St. Louis

2 years 9 months ago
Author Mark Kruger (“The St. Louis Commune of 1877”) describes how the railroad strike of 1877 became a much broader strike in St. Louis, basically shutting down all commerce in the city — and how communists took control of the city.