SPRINGFIELD – Hunters in Illinois harvested a preliminary total of 147,004 deer during all 2021-2022 archery and firearm seasons that concluded Jan. 16. The total preliminary deer harvest for all seasons compares with a total harvest for all seasons of 162,752 deer in 2020-2021. During the 2021-2022 deer seasons, hunters took 43.75% does and 56.25% males. Archery: Archery deer hunters in Illinois took a preliminary total of 67,637 deer during the season that began Oct. 1 and concluded Jan. 16. The total archery harvest during the 2020-2021 season was 75,106 deer. Youth: Youth deer hunters harvested a preliminary total of 1,829 deer during the three-day Illinois Youth Deer Season Oct. 9-11, compared to 2,322 in 2020. Traditional Firearm Season : Hunters took a preliminary total of 69,990 deer during the Illinois Firearm Deer Season Nov. 19-21 and Dec. 2-5, compared with 77,160 deer taken during the 2020 firearm season. Muzzleloader: Hunters using muzzleloading rifles
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