ST. LOUIS, MO – The Shaw Neighborhood Ownership Model (NOM) expands its annual campaign, which now includes four adjacent neighborhoods working together against celebratory gunfire this New Year’s Eve. In 2018, The Shaw NOM launched an anti-gunfire campaign and distributed door hangers to every home and apartment building in the neighborhood to discourage illegal [...]
Stone Temple Pilots bassist Robert DeLeo has revealed he's contracted COVID-19. "Well, like so many others this virus has come to pay me a visit," DeLeo writes in an Instagram…
In total for the year, I had 247 assignments which produced 55,325 images that ended up in my archive. Here are a look at some of my favorites from 2021.
Funeral Director Ozella J. Foster (second from left) celebrating the ground breaking of her new funeral home at Martin Luther King Blvd. and Sarah Street Wed. morning Dec. 29, 2021.
“The Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer will help the City of St. Louis bring all communities to the table to address the collective problems our city faces,” Mayor Tishaura Jones said in a written statement. “I am excited Dr. Mitchell is bringing his knowledge and expertise to help ensure St. Louis government is more equitable across racial lines.”
UPDATE: This concert has been rescheduled for Friday, February 4, 2022. If you walked down the cobblestone streets of Laclede’s Landing in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s, you were almost certain to hear the eclectic sounds of Pale Divine booming from classic, bygone venues such as Kennedy’s 2nd Street or Mississippi Nights.…
ST. LOUIS (AP) — The city is experiencing a “massive increase” in the number of daily COVID-19 cases, health officials warned Wednesday. The figure has tripled since the start of …