Haine Issues Statement Following Appellate Court (TRO) Decision on Subcircuit Law ย
EDWARDSVILLE — Madison County State’s Attorney Tom Haine issued the following statement after today’s ruling by the Fourth District Appellate Court of Illinois. “Today the temporary restraining order (TRO) which suspended the application of the new subcircuit law in Madison County was reversed by the Fourth District Appellate Court. We are disappointed with this result, but appreciate the court’s prompt decision. We remain undeterred in our fight against this unconstitutional law. “We find significant encouragement in the Appellate Court’s analysis. In today’s summary order, the Appellate Court pointedly asked for a deep consideration of one of our central concerns: ‘the issue of whether the General Assembly can eliminate all at-large judgeships within a particular judicial circuit.’ The Appellate Court then ‘encourage the parties and Circuit Court to proceed expeditiously in this matter given the implications on the