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Kevin Drum 🕸

PPI drops to -3.7% in May

1 year 4 months ago
If yesterday was CPI day then today must be PPI day. Here's what the Producer Price Index looks like through May: If you look at goods and services separately, even the PPI for services was up only 2.9%—largely because of autos and auto parts. That's an excellent number since services are the prime contributor to ...continue reading "PPI drops to -3.7% in May"
Kevin Drum

The FBI abused its surveillance of Americans 278,000 times in 18 months

1 year 4 months ago
Section 702 of the FISA Act allows agencies like the NSA to eavesdrop on foreign nationals overseas. It prohibits spying on US citizens or anyone who's within the United States. But sometimes NSA ends up collecting the communications of US citizens anyway. Quite often, in fact. This is legal as long as it's not intentional. ...continue reading "The FBI abused its surveillance of Americans 278,000 times in 18 months"
Kevin Drum

AP estimates fraud and mistakes in pandemic programs cost $300-400 billion

1 year 4 months ago
The Associated Press reports today on "The Great Grift," a combination of the plundering of COVID-19 aid programs by fraudsters and plain old mistakes in doling out the money: All of it led to the greatest grift in U.S. history, with thieves plundering billions of dollars in federal COVID-19 relief aid intended to combat the ...continue reading "AP estimates fraud and mistakes in pandemic programs cost $300-400 billion"
Kevin Drum

The Department of Justice went easy on Trump

1 year 4 months ago
Eric Levitz makes an interesting point today about Donald Trump and his obsession with holding onto classified documents. The Department of Justice, far from indicting him for political reasons, actually went easy on him: In January of last year, in response to a subpoena, Trump returned 197 classified documents to the federal government. Despite his ...continue reading "The Department of Justice went easy on Trump"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 4 months ago
Sunset in the French town of Vernon, about 40 miles downstream on the Seine from Paris.
Kevin Drum

Blue-collar earnings rose 4% in May

1 year 4 months ago
Weekly blue-collar earnings were up 4% in May compared to April. However, earnings have been flat for the past year, and after their big jump at the start of the pandemic have been dropping steadily ever since: Earnings for all workers fell 1% in May after adjusting for inflation.
Kevin Drum

Intelligence agencies can track your every move—and they can do it without a warrant

1 year 4 months ago
A couple of days ago the Director of National Intelligence declassified a report written by an advisory group about the dangers of Commercially Available Information (CAI). This is information compiled by private companies and then sold to whoever pays for it—and it includes an astonishing array of data about individuals: CAI can be obtained from ...continue reading "Intelligence agencies can track your every move—and they can do it without a warrant"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 4 months ago
Another triptych today. During the early part of my stay at City of Hope, while I was still mobile, I drove up to Mt. Wilson. I'd never been there before—when it was open, anyway—and it turned out to be a very serene place. It was a few acres of pine trees and telescopes but almost ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Credit card spending since the pandemic

1 year 4 months ago
The Wall Street Journal says that investors are feeling good about credit card debt: Missed-payment rates on these loans have ticked higher from ultralow levels hit during the pandemic, but they still sit well below the heights reached during past downturns. Over the past few months, the easing of bank stress has helped keep the ...continue reading "Raw data: Credit card spending since the pandemic"
Kevin Drum

Companies are finally getting fed up with remote work

1 year 4 months ago
I've seen a lot of stories like this lately: Tech companies that led the way in embracing remote work early in the pandemic are increasingly leading their workers right back to the office—whether they like it or not. Alphabet-owned Google, Lyft, Facebook parent Meta Platforms and Salesforce have all recently walked back remote-work policies they ...continue reading "Companies are finally getting fed up with remote work"
Kevin Drum

Novak Djokovic is the best men’s tennis player of all time

1 year 4 months ago
For 30 years Roy Emerson held tennis's record for men's Grand Slam titles at 12. His record seemed all but unbeatable until, finally, Pete Sampras broke it in 2000. But only barely: Sampras finished his career with 14 titles. Then, over the course of only 20 years, three players all broke Sampras's new record. By ...continue reading "Novak Djokovic is the best men’s tennis player of all time"
Kevin Drum

Rising wages have only a tiny impact on inflation

1 year 4 months ago
Conventional wisdom says that rising wages feed through into rising inflation. Thus, the only way to reduce inflation is to tighten monetary policy until wages start to decline. But a research letter from Adam Hale Shapiro of the San Francisco Fed casts some doubt on this: The estimates on both goods and housing services inflation ...continue reading "Rising wages have only a tiny impact on inflation"
Kevin Drum

They won’t have George Soros to kick around anymore

1 year 4 months ago
At age 92, he's stepping down: George Soros, the legendary investor, philanthropist and right-wing target, is handing control of his $25 billion empire to a younger son—Alexander Soros, a self-described center-left thinker who grew up self-conscious of the family’s wealth and wasn’t thought to be a potential successor. The 37-year-old, who goes by Alex, said ...continue reading "They won’t have George Soros to kick around anymore"
Kevin Drum