a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Republicans plotting further revenge on Tennessee reps they expelled

1 year 5 months ago
Two Democratic members of the Tennessee legislature, Justin Pearson of Memphis and Justin Jones of Nashville, have been expelled by Republicans who control a supermajority in the state House of Representatives. The given reason was "lack of decorum." So now Memphis and Nashville have two empty seats to fill. Who are they going to pick? ...continue reading "Republicans plotting further revenge on Tennessee reps they expelled"
Kevin Drum

Who takes the law more seriously? A natural experiment can tell us.

1 year 5 months ago
We have recently run an excellent natural experiment about the rule of law: On Tuesday, Donald Trump was indicted on 34 counts of business fraud. Response was partisan, of course. Republicans unanimously blasted the legal basis for the case as both trivial and wrongheaded. Democrats . . . were split. Some defended the legal reasoning ...continue reading "Who takes the law more seriously? A natural experiment can tell us."
Kevin Drum

Abortion pill banned, then unbanned hours later

1 year 5 months ago
Well, the idiot judge in Texas did it: A federal judge in Texas issued a preliminary ruling invalidating the Food and Drug Administration’s 23-year-old approval of the abortion pill mifepristone, an unprecedented order that — if it stands through court challenges — could make it harder for patients to get abortions in states where abortion ...continue reading "Abortion pill banned, then unbanned hours later"
Kevin Drum

Prime age labor participation is back to its pre-pandemic peak

1 year 5 months ago
Since today is jobs day, it's worth pointing out that we've reached a milestone. The prime-age labor force participation rate for both men and women has now caught up to its pre-pandemic peak: This is unusual. In the past two recessions (2000 and 2008), the LFPR declined and never caught back up to its past ...continue reading "Prime age labor participation is back to its pre-pandemic peak"
Kevin Drum

Clarence Thomas has been covering up his vacations for 20 years

1 year 5 months ago
You already know about Clarence Thomas and his lavish vacations. But check out this addition to the story from LA Times reporter David Savage, who wrote about all this stuff 20 years ago: Thomas refused to comment on the article, but it had an impact: Thomas appears to have continued accepting free trips from his ...continue reading "Clarence Thomas has been covering up his vacations for 20 years"
Kevin Drum

Republicans donโ€™t care about Clarence Thomasโ€™s lavish vacations

1 year 5 months ago
In 1968 Lyndon Johnson nominated Abe Fortas to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, but the nomination failed because Republicans, along with some Southern Democrats, filibustered it. The Southerners didn't like the fact that Fortas was Jewish. Republicans, however, pointed to Fortas's receipt of $15,000 in private funds to give nine speeches at a ...continue reading "Republicans don’t care about Clarence Thomas’s lavish vacations"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 5 months ago
This is the Basilica of Sacré Coeur, overlooking Paris from 400 feet above the city on the hill of Montmarte. It amuses me that it was built as something of a middle finger from rich Catholics as payback for the imprisonment of the pope following the Franco-Prussian war. As it happens, the pope wasn't really ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

How popular would a nationwide 15-week rule for abortion be?

1 year 5 months ago
Lindsey Graham, who once proposed a national 20-week limit on abortions, has now proposed a 15-week limit. However, this would only be a ceiling. The law would still allow states to pass more restrictive abortion laws, and this makes it obviously of no interest to liberals. But what if it were just a straight nationwide ...continue reading "How popular would a nationwide 15-week rule for abortion be?"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 5 months ago
This is sort of an odd picture. It's the Washington Monument, of course, but it doesn't really look very tall. Is it because of the trees, which distort our sense of scale? Or about shooting it from slightly above its base? Or about the cropping of the photo? I'm not sure.
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Race, gender, and ethnicity among US inventors

1 year 5 months ago
Via Alex Tabarrok, here's the racial and ethnic breakdown of inventors in the United States. The figures are from a new demographic study done by Ufuk Akcigit and Nathan Goldschlag: Every nonwhite group is massively underrepresented except for Asians, who are massively overrepresented. Women are also enormously underrepresented: In this study, "inventor" is anyone with ...continue reading "Raw data: Race, gender, and ethnicity among US inventors"
Kevin Drum

New study of COVID origins adds nothing to the raccoon dog hypothesis

1 year 5 months ago
The Chinese team that collected samples from the Huanan Seafood Market three years ago has finally published its report, and an advanced draft has been posted on the Nature website. Let the games begin: A peer-reviewed paper that concludes there is no evidence for zoonotic spillover at the Huanan Seafood Market in #Wuhan has just ...continue reading "New study of COVID origins adds nothing to the raccoon dog hypothesis"
Kevin Drum

Wisconsin votes to remain in the 21st century

1 year 5 months ago
National Review's Jeffrey Blehar is unhappy about the victory of liberal Janet Protasiewicz in Wisconsin's supreme court race: The rollback of the significant Tea Party-era gains made by the GOP in the state now seems, if not foreordained, then on the horizon. Democrats have seized control of the state Supreme Court — once held by ...continue reading "Wisconsin votes to remain in the 21st century"
Kevin Drum

How the Chinese are really using TikTok to destroy us

1 year 5 months ago
Over at New York, John Herrman describes the TikTokification of everything—except worse: You’re stuck in line at the grocery store, so you check your phone. Your brain shuts off, and your thumb takes over. Soon, a tall video plays. A man is tricking a baboon with some sleight of hand. He makes a lighter disappear ...continue reading "How the Chinese are really using TikTok to destroy us"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 5 months ago
This is a guy walking his dog on the road up to Idyllwild. The man's politics may be suspect, but his dog was very sociable. I had my car door open and he almost jumped onto my lap.
Kevin Drum