a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 4 months ago
This is a lovely yellow alstroemeria hiding in the shadows in our front yard. It is apparently commonly known as a Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas, which I didn't know until about half a minute ago. I'm learning more about flowers every day.
Kevin Drum

A (tiny bit) of good news about Samuel Alitoโ€™s decision overturning abortion rights

2 years 4 months ago
I imagine that this week is going to be abortion always and everywhere unless a meteor hits Kyiv or something. However, even though you might not be in the mood for good news about Justice Alito's latest tactical nuke on the progressive movement, there is a small bit of good news in his opinion that ...continue reading "A (tiny bit) of good news about Samuel Alito’s decision overturning abortion rights"
Kevin Drum

Court leak spells end to constitutional right to abortion

2 years 4 months ago
According to Politico, a draft Supreme Court ruling has been leaked that overrules Roe v. Wade completely. If this turns out to be a final opinion, I find it fitting that it was written by the Court's worst member, Samuel Alito; and affirmed by its most crotchety ideologue, Clarence Thomas, along with its three Trump ...continue reading "Court leak spells end to constitutional right to abortion"
Kevin Drum

Three random things

2 years 4 months ago
White backlash. One of the most powerful cultural forces throughout American history is white backlash. It is intense, self-righteous, often brutal, and absolutely inevitable. Anyone in the civil rights activism biz is an idiot if they don't understand this and have a plan to deal with it. Sex education. Conservatives have always been conservative about ...continue reading "Three random things"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 4 months ago
Believe it or not, I've been meaning to take this picture for years. I've just never had my camera handy at night when I've driven past it. But a few weeks ago, on a dex night, I was puttering around at 3 am and finally got my picture. There's just something about the sharp lines ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Housing update

2 years 4 months ago
Last weekend I wrote a long, chart-laden post that summarized the evidence about housing in the US. I received some criticism that seemed reasonable, so I figured I'd address them here. Anne Paulson suggested that I shouldn't compare housing growth to population growth because housing is an adult thing. If a family has more children, ...continue reading "Housing update"
Kevin Drum

Worker pay and benefits plummet at record pace. Yes: plummet.

2 years 4 months ago
Here is the Wall Street Journal today: Worker Pay and Benefits Grow at Record Pace, Pressuring Inflation Compensation for American workers grew rapidly in the first quarter, as a tight labor market put more money in workers’ pockets while also keeping pressure on inflation. Business and government employers spent 4.5% more on worker costs in ...continue reading "Worker pay and benefits plummet at record pace. Yes: plummet."
Kevin Drum

What happens after we cancel student debt?

2 years 4 months ago
OK, I have to ask one more time. Suppose President Biden cancels all student debt. What happens next? It just starts piling up again for new students? State universities are forced to cut tuition and fees dramatically? The federal government starts massively subsidizing all university education? Or do we just hold a student debt jubilee ...continue reading "What happens after we cancel student debt?"
Kevin Drum

GDP was down 1.4% last quarter, but itโ€™s not all bad news

2 years 4 months ago
By now you're all aware that GDP declined in the first quarter. Here's why: Consumer spending, government spending, and private investment—the key components of GDP—were up 1.8% on an annualized basis last quarter. That's no great shakes, but it's not too bad either. However, imports and exports are also a part of GDP. Normally they ...continue reading "GDP was down 1.4% last quarter, but it’s not all bad news"
Kevin Drum