a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Gen Z loves to work

2 years 4 months ago
A couple of days ago Vox published a trend piece about how young Gen Z folks "have created an abundance of memes and pithy commentary about their generational disillusionment toward work. The jokes, which correspond with the rise of anti-work ideology online, range from shallow and shameless (“Rich housewife is the goal”) to candid and ...continue reading "Gen Z loves to work"
Kevin Drum

Is Twitter really that important?

2 years 4 months ago
The Wall Street Journal editorial page is obsessed with Elon Musk and Twitter: Two-thirds of their featured opinion pieces are about Musk and Twitter. Why are conservatives so preoccupied with Twitter? For that matter, why is everyone so preoccupied with the fate of America's 15th biggest social media company?
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 4 months ago
This is the interior of a subway car on the LA Metro. If I were, say, Cindy Sherman, the MOMA label next to this photo would explain how COVID masks were used to immediately mark the era as late capitalism; the Foot Locker bags connect the metro to modern consumerism; and the height of the ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Why donโ€™t we trust experts anymore? Well, some of us do.

2 years 4 months ago
Why don't Americans trust experts anymore? Sean Illing interviewed Michael Lewis about this recently, but they somehow managed to miss the obvious. Here are three charts from the GSS survey: There are blip and bloops, but around 1990 Republican trust in experts started a steady downward trend compared to Democrats. Republican distrust of the press ...continue reading "Why don’t we trust experts anymore? Well, some of us do."
Kevin Drum

Scary traffic signs donโ€™t always reduce highway crashes

2 years 4 months ago
Our highways are littered with electronic signs that provide us with information. Sometimes they're amber alerts. Sometimes they tell us about traffic conditions. Sometimes they urge us to get vaccinated. Most often, though, they tell us to drive carefully. But what messages work best? In Texas the signs tell you how many people have died ...continue reading "Scary traffic signs don’t always reduce highway crashes"
Kevin Drum

Eyeball Update

2 years 4 months ago
Last night the eye folks dumped so much dilation fluid into my baby blues that I'm still dilated today. Because of that I can only barely see at close distances, which means that blogging will be slow. I'll return as my pupils slowly get smaller than a trash can lid and I can see again.
Kevin Drum

For a few minutes in January, Republicans wanted to impeach Trump

2 years 4 months ago
Huh. I guess the hot ticket for Republicans right after January 6 was to haul out the 25th Amendment and boot Donald Trump out of office: Recording of McCarthy and Cheney pic.twitter.com/oHMMV7TXbo — Acyn (@Acyn) April 22, 2022 Halfway through, McCarthy switches gears and tells Liz Cheney: "We know it'll pass the House. I think ...continue reading "For a few minutes in January, Republicans wanted to impeach Trump"
Kevin Drum

Florida finally shows us some of their woke mathematics

2 years 4 months ago
The Florida Department of Education finally released a few examples of "unacceptable" math problems today. Here is one of them: So the lesson here is that conservatives are racist, as proven by a test that's of dubious reliability. Nice work, textbook people. This is insane. I can't imagine there's a conservative governor anywhere in the ...continue reading "Florida finally shows us some of their woke mathematics"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 4 months ago
This is a brightly lit mourning cloak butterfly that I took a picture of last year. It's a reminder that summer is coming soon this year.
Kevin Drum

Superpredators were real. But they arenโ€™t anymore.

2 years 4 months ago
In the New York Times today, James Forman Jr. and Kayla Vinson take another shot at the "superpredator" theory of the mid 1990s: In January the Connecticut Supreme Court reversed the 60-year sentence imposed on Keith Belcher, a Black teenager, for sexual assault and armed robbery committed when he was 14. Mr. Belcher was sentenced ...continue reading "Superpredators were real. But they aren’t anymore."
Kevin Drum