a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 4 months ago
This is part of the path around Lake Martin in Louisiana. Much of the path is just packed earth and gravel, and another part is sort of modified jungle with a barely visible trail hacked out of it. However, a couple of miles (out of five) is like this: a nice, wide path with a ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Nationwide injunctions: A brief explainer

2 years 4 months ago
On Monday a federal district judge appointed by Donald Trump overturned a CDC mandate that required masks on airplane flights. Liberals naturally went nuts. But it's worth a brief explainer about this. This particular ruling was just a ruling, but it falls into the general category of what are called "nationwide" injunctions—which have exploded in ...continue reading "Nationwide injunctions: A brief explainer"
Kevin Drum

As usual, Californiaโ€™s latest homeless initiative is widely hated

2 years 4 months ago
Here in Los Angeles¹ we have a mayoral election coming up. The two main candidates are Karen Bass, a local member of Congress, and Rick Caruso, a billionaire real estate developer. Caruso is running mainly on a platform of getting tough on crime² and fixing the homeless mess. He's gonna build build build homeless shelters; ...continue reading "As usual, California’s latest homeless initiative is widely hated"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 5 months ago
This is a teaching flight at Cable Airport in Upland, California. We were up there visiting Marian's aunt in the hospital, and when we were done we took a quick trip by the airport to see if there was anything to take pictures of.
Kevin Drum

Does higher income inequality produce higher crime rates?

2 years 5 months ago
As you may have heard, Los Angeles is undergoing a rash of unusual crimes. Gangs from South LA have been sending crews specifically to target rich people, tailing them from fashionable hotels, restaurants and clubs and then stealing their watches and purses. At first glance, this might not seem mysterious. For one thing, it's been ...continue reading "Does higher income inequality produce higher crime rates?"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Prime age workers in the post-COVID era

2 years 5 months ago
How's the ol' labor force doing? The Wall Street Journal says today that "several million" workers have dropped out of the workforce permanently thanks to COVID-19, but I suspect that yet again this is a misconception that comes from looking at the entire labor force instead of just the prime-age labor force. Here are the ...continue reading "Raw data: Prime age workers in the post-COVID era"
Kevin Drum

Eyeball update and more

2 years 5 months ago
Progress is slow. My distance vision is now 20/20—though barely—and I had my second adjustment on Wednesday. This should improve my distance vision slightly and my reading vision considerably. For now, though, things are still pretty fuzzy. I can read and use the computer without glasses, which my doctor wants me to do, but it's ...continue reading "Eyeball update and more"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 15 April 2022

2 years 5 months ago
Charlie seems to be mesmerized by something, but what? Is Marian holding up a can of cat food? Is she getting ready to toss a toy Charlie's way? Or is it just the big glass eye that has him enthralled? I'm afraid the answer is lost in the mists of history.
Kevin Drum

Russia says it blew up its own ship, but takes it out on Ukraine anyway

2 years 5 months ago
Russia really seems to take it personally when a country they've invaded decides to  fight back: Thunderous blasts echoed in the capital, Kyiv, and in Ukraine’s eastern battle zone on Friday, a day after Russia’s most important warship in the Black Sea sank while being towed to port, marking a humiliating wartime setback for Moscow. ...continue reading "Russia says it blew up its own ship, but takes it out on Ukraine anyway"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 5 months ago
This is last night's sunset over North Tustin. I was out on a different photographic mission and caught this on my way home.
Kevin Drum

Gasoline should drop 50 cents per gallon over the next week or two

2 years 5 months ago
The price of oil is down but the price of gasoline isn't. What's going on? Here's an update of my chart from last week comparing oil and gasoline prices: This uses the same formula as before to regress the price of oil on gasoline,¹ and last week it suggested the price of gasoline was about ...continue reading "Gasoline should drop 50 cents per gallon over the next week or two"
Kevin Drum