a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Chart of the day: The Producer Price Index vs. the Consumer Price Index in March

2 years 5 months ago
I don't normally bother posting the producer price index, but since inflation is on everyone's mind these days let's take a look at the latest numbers: Not good! The PPI for goods was up 11.2% from last year and the monthly increase from February came to 17.8% on an annualized basis. In both cases they ...continue reading "Chart of the day: The Producer Price Index vs. the Consumer Price Index in March"
Kevin Drum

A toilet poll โ€” Final response!

2 years 5 months ago
You've been waiting all night on the edge of your beds for this, so here are the results of yesterday's toilet poll: This is my closest poll ever! Given the margin of error, it's a dead heat. Perhaps this now demands a bit of actual research to come up with an answer.
Kevin Drum

A toilet poll

2 years 5 months ago
I met a friend for lunch this afternoon and called his attention to the design of this toilet: The handle and the seat work together to force (men) to lower the seat in order to flush the toilet. I think this is deliberate design (it's an all-gender restroom). My friend thinks it's just an unplanned ...continue reading "A toilet poll"
Kevin Drum

Apple has your best interests at heart when they restrict access to the iPhone

2 years 5 months ago
Tim Cook says that disaster will befall us if Apple is forced to allow users to download apps that aren't sold through Apple's official App Store: “Taking away a more secure option will leave users with less choice—not more,” Mr. Cook said Tuesday during a speech at the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ summit in ...continue reading "Apple has your best interests at heart when they restrict access to the iPhone"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 5 months ago
I went to a wedding this weekend! Here's an artsy shot. Oh, and my old friends at Mother Jones are having a fundraiser. Go give them some money! They deserve it. And be sure to read Monika Bauerlein's letter about why the fundraiser is a little late this year. I confess that I was never ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Joe Bidenโ€™s approval among registered voters

2 years 5 months ago
Here's an interesting thing. I was looking at Joe Biden's approval level trying to figure out what events plausibly produced especially big drops when I happened upon YouGov's tracking poll. Most polls consist of responses from all adults, but the YouGov poll is limited to registered voters. This makes a difference: Gallup's poll, like most ...continue reading "Raw data: Joe Biden’s approval among registered voters"
Kevin Drum

Should Democrats change their tune on a few culture war topics?

2 years 5 months ago
People like me talk frequently about the fact that folks who are modestly right of center are obviously scared by a lot of the Democratic stands on culture war issues these days. Perhaps we should dial down the way we talk—or maybe even what we genuinely believe—about these things? People to my left demand particulars. ...continue reading "Should Democrats change their tune on a few culture war topics?"
Kevin Drum

How much is ARP spending responsible for high inflation?

2 years 5 months ago
In a few hours the Commerce Department will release inflation figures for March, something that we're all waiting for with bated breath. While we await this momentous event, here's an inflation chart inspired by Brad Polumbo. However, unlike his, which shows year-over-year inflation, mine is based on the inflation rate from month to month. Why? ...continue reading "How much is ARP spending responsible for high inflation?"
Kevin Drum

The defeat of voting rights is not hard to understand

2 years 5 months ago
Voting rights are in the news again thanks to Andy Kroll's semi-tick-tock in Rolling Stone about the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, both of which failed to pass earlier this year because Republicans filibustered them. The whole story is strange. Everyone agrees that there was never any chance of ...continue reading "The defeat of voting rights is not hard to understand"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 5 months ago
This boat did not do well during Hurricane Ida. I took this picture on Highway 315 somewhere south of Houma, which was piled high with trash and ruined furniture that still hadn't been picked up. I suppose somebody will come along eventually for it.
Kevin Drum

Health Update

2 years 5 months ago
I'm at the infusion center to begin a new chemo regimen. This is my fourth, and I'll be getting it until the CAR-T folks open up a slot for me. I got here at 9:30 am after taking some Pepcid with breakfast along with 40 mg of dex. This compares to the 2 mg I'm ...continue reading "Health Update"
Kevin Drum

There is no glut of PhDs

2 years 5 months ago
Yesterday I casually mentioned that I didn't think the overproduction of PhDs was a big problem. This produced some pushback, including the familiar complaint that it dooms lots of PhD-havers to a life of penury as members of the huge pool of adjunct professors desperately hoping they'll eventually land a full-time tenure-track job. It's true ...continue reading "There is no glut of PhDs"
Kevin Drum