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Kevin Drum 🕸

The “working class struggle” is a myth

2 weeks 1 day ago
Vivek Ramaswamy and Mickey Kaus on the "working class struggle": All for downsizing the bureaucracies, but this seems like BS. Long term trends have shifted the balance against the working class 1) Increasing returns to skill/education 2) Trade (unskilled labor performed abroad) and 3) Immigration (unskilled labor comes here). Maybe AI will… https://t.co/90qGy1cpMB — Mickey ...continue reading "The “working class struggle” is a myth"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 weeks 1 day ago
Saturday was astronomy night, so I headed out to the desert to take a picture of the Heart Nebula. I've done this already, but my telescope has too long a focal length (900 mm) to capture the whole thing. All I got was a part of the nebula and you couldn't really tell that it ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Dealmaker-elect shares some thoughts on his greatness with the Supreme Court

2 weeks 4 days ago
The Supreme Court will soon decide if banning TikTok violates the First Amendment. Donald Trump has no opinion about that,¹ but he weighed in today with an amicus brief anyway. It's...... unusual: President Trump is one of the most powerful, prolific, and influential users of social media in history.... Further, President Trump is the founder ...continue reading "Dealmaker-elect shares some thoughts on his greatness with the Supreme Court"
Kevin Drum

There were no good old days in America

2 weeks 4 days ago
During yesterday's Twitter rage-a-thon against Indian immigrants, Vivek Ramaswamy—the son of ultra-high achieving Indian immigrants—decided to hold forth on the problems of American culture: A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. ....This can be our Sputnik moment...but only ...continue reading "There were no good old days in America"
Kevin Drum

Elon Musk learns about racism

2 weeks 4 days ago
Elon Musk, who spent the entire presidential campaign whipping the MAGA crowd into an anti-immigrant fervor, got involved in a Twitter scuffle today over H-1B visas for Indian engineers. Unsurprisingly, he's for them. But he was apparently sort of shocked to discover that the racists he baited during the campaign are...... racists. They don't care ...continue reading "Elon Musk learns about racism"
Kevin Drum

Trump plans to amass a great deal of personal authority to punish his enemies

2 weeks 5 days ago
I've mentioned before that Donald Trump has been remarkably successful at making people fear him. Partly this is because he's focused his attention on things where he has a lot of discretion. I'm not talking about the dumb little stuff like tax on tips, which is never going to happen, but on the big ticket ...continue reading "Trump plans to amass a great deal of personal authority to punish his enemies"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 weeks 5 days ago
This is the Donnerbrunnen in Vienna. The name doesn't have any special meaning: it's a fountain designed by a guy named Donner. This one is a copy that sits in the newly finished pedestrian zone in the Neuer Markt. The original is in the Belvedere Museum.
Kevin Drum