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Local Restaurant Hosts Fundraiser For Alton Native

2 years 8 months ago
ALTON – Friends of Pam Kaizer are joining together to raise needed funds for their dear friend as she continues her battle against an aggressive cancer. Santino’s Steak and Pasta House, 180 E. Center Dr., Alton, will host a dining event from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Reservations are suggested, but not required, and carry-outs will also be available. Owner Sonny Asani, one of Kaizer’s good friends, will be donating a percentage of the profits from sales on that day to help Kaizer with the expenses she is facing for her ongoing cancer treatments. Kaizer continues her courageous fight with the help of doctors and staff at OSF Moeller Cancer Center in Alton. “I love the staff there, and I am receiving excellent care,” she said. “Many people know Pam from her former days as the travel program coordinator at Senior Services Plus,” said long-time friend Melissa Meske. “She has traveled with thousands all over the world. But

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Fieldon Man Faces Multiple Charges After Calhoun Arrest

2 years 8 months ago
HARDIN - A Fieldon man was arrested and now faces multiple charges after a traffic stop at 12:04 a.m. on May 6, 2022. The Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office conducted a traffic stop on a Green GMC Yukon XL on Illinois River Road at the intersection of Golden Eagle Road in Golden Eagle, Calhoun County, Illinois. Subsequent to an investigation, the driver, Paul D. Cummines, 51, of Fieldon, was arrested on charges of Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Possession of Firearm While FOID Revoked, and Unlawful Use of a Weapon (Handgun). Cummines was transported to the Greene County Jail.

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Incentivizing Healthy Behaviors Using Phone App On A Blockchain Platform

2 years 8 months ago
PEORIA - Research reveals $100 billion a year is spent on health care that is only necessary because individuals don’t follow medical advice. For example, patients with chronic illnesses are estimated to comply with medication schedules only 50% of the time. Now researchers are working to find a way to help patients reach their health needs and goals through positive reinforcement and rewards. A new Jump ARCHES project will explore the feasibility of a blockchain-based digital app as a viable way to enable OSF HealthCare and others help patients improve their health while attempting to meet the spirit of important government regulations. The project is informed by many studies that show incentives, such as cash prizes or other rewards, work in changing behavior such as to stop smoking or exercise more. But, federal consumer protection regulations currently prohibit health systems from offering rewards for healthy behavior because they are viewed as an inducement to use a product

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Wheat Tour Highlights Yields, Disease Strategies

2 years 8 months ago
BELLEVILLE - Wheat variety and seed treatment trials will highlight the 2022 Southern Illinois Wheat Tour sponsored by the Illinois Wheat Association. The May 24 tour will give Illinois wheat growers an opportunity to tour wheat fields and estimate yields for the 2021/22 winter wheat crop. The tour will include field checks during the day, with a late afternoon reporting session at the Southern Illinois University Belleville Research Center, 2036 Charles Lane in Belleville. Tour participants will hear scouting results and the wheat yield estimates. Two guest speakers will join the IWA board to answer questions. Jessica Rutkoski, assistant professor of small grains breeding, will discuss the status of wheat development and challenges from wheat diseases. A USDA-ARS wheat disease expert is also expected to join. A group dinner and meeting at the Belleville Research Center will follow the tours. Tour participants are asked to call one of the four following crop scouting group leaders

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St. Louis Blues Launch First Metaverse Retail Shopping Experience with Rank + Rally, Levy's DBK Studio, and Mantis XR

2 years 8 months ago
ST. LOUIS - The St. Louis Blues have teamed with retail partner Rank + Rally , DBK Studio , and Mantis XR to introduce Blues Experiential Reality (BXR), the first Metaverse shopping experience in sports & live entertainment in North America. The first phase launches in time for the 2022 Blues playoff run and features an immersive Metaverse experience that is easily accessible by web link from any device without the need for extra equipment. Fans can go behind the scenes of the legendary hockey team by visiting a 3D, photorealistic locker room. Once inside, fans can browse a selection of Blues merchandise that is available for purchase. Fans can access BXR by going to stlouisblues.com/xr or by scanning QR codes located on the concourse and in STL Authentics locations at Enterprise Center. Initially, the merchandise selection includes four newly released Series Six line products - three t-shirts and one sweater - as well as the Blues’ home, road, Winter Classic and retro

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Get The Full Benefits Of Whole Grains In Your Diet

2 years 8 months ago
ALTON - It’s likely no surprise to hear that whole grains are a key part of a healthy diet. They’re filled with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Studies have found that regularly eating whole grains can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. And they may even help people live longer. But while the benefits of whole grains are clear, it can be hard for many of us to fit them into our meals. On average in the U.S., we eat only about a third of the recommended amount of whole grains each day. This may be, in part, because it’s not always easy to know which grains and grain foods actually count as whole grains. So, what are whole grains exactly? They’re grains that include the three key parts of the natural grain kernel – bran, germ, and endosperm. This differs from refined grains, like white rice and white flour, which have the bran and germ removed during processing. Bran and germ are rich in many healthy nutrients and

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Grow Curly Willows For An Artistic Twist In The Landscape, Winter Flower Arrangements

2 years 8 months ago
URBANA – Willow trees are most well known for their long, draping branches that give them a refined and graceful appearance. That is unless it is a corkscrew willow. The unique branching and twisting features of the Salix genus curly willow not only adds visual interest to the winter landscape but it can also be harvested and used for unique decorative arrangements says University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator Christina Lueking . “Curly willow has beautifully curled branches that have led to some crazy common names such as corkscrew willow, twisted willow, and snake willow,” Lueking says. Woody varieties generally prefer fertile, well-drained soil and full sun throughout the day. However, willows are a perfect fit for filter strips between annual crops or wet areas with their mature branches that are upright with a few sweeping younger branches that droop until they become more mature. These trees are easily propagated and can have a long lifespan a

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Avoid Injury this Baseball Season

2 years 8 months ago
GALESBURG - Spring means baseball season is gearing up – that is, if it has not yet already started. A recent study by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) found that nearly 16 million Americans spanning all age groups play baseball. The popularity of baseball started to grow in the early 1800s and has earned the title of “America’s Pastime” over the years. However, whether you are a rookie or play for the Major League, anyone who plays is at risk for injury down the line. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), the most common baseball-related injuries include mild soft tissue injuries, such as muscle strains, ligament sprains, cuts, and contusions (bruises) – and although baseball is a non-contact sport, most serious injuries are due to contact either with a ball, bat, or another player. Additionally, the repetitive nature of baseball – throwing, catching, squatting, batting, sliding – often results in

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Judge dismisses Missouri AG’s mask lawsuit against St. Charles school district

2 years 8 months ago

A St. Charles County Circuit Court judge dismissed Attorney General Eric Schmitt’s lawsuit Thursday against the local school district’s now-rescinded mask mandate, leaving few cases from Schmitt’s legal blitz remaining. The City of St. Charles School District was one of 47 districts Schmitt sued earlier this year over mask mandates, and it was one of […]

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Tessa Weinberg