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Monday, January 11, 2021 - Black Dismay Following Violence in D.C

3 years 8 months ago
Many who watched a mob storm the U.S. Capitol last week noticed the restraint of police. Those images were in stark contrast to the force used against protestors for Black lives. Many history experts say the nation has a long tolerance for white violence and there is a lengthy road to equity ahead.

MoBot Discovered About 200 New Plants In 2020

3 years 8 months ago
Missouri Botanical Garden President Peter Wyse Jackson and Senior Vice President of Science Jim Miller share examples of the center's new plant discoveries worldwide and talk about the overarching view and particularities of this work.

Analysis: Sen. Josh Hawley's Objection To President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College Win

3 years 8 months ago
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has been making headlines — but even some people who supported his ambitions are wildly unhappy with his recent actions. UMSL political science professor Anita Manion delves into why Missouri’s junior senator is objecting to the certification of a Biden victory. What does he hope to accomplish? Does he have any chance of succeeding?