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Free Speech In 2021 Requires Oversight, But From Whom?

3 years 7 months ago
The ability to speak freely in 2021 is complicated in ways the framers of the U.S. Constitution never envisioned. In this episode, we discuss how the First Amendment applies in this brave new world and whether unpopular speech — be it a dissenting opinion, a false claim or outright hate speech — deserves protection not just from the government, but tech giants like Twitter, Facebook and Google.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 - Prisons And The Coronavirus Vaccine

3 years 7 months ago
The Missouri vaccination plan categorizes correctional officers as essential. They will be among the first workers to receive the shots. Though inmates are at a high risk of contracting the virus inside dense prison settings, the state plan does not specify when they will be vaccinated.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - Extremism In German Youth

3 years 7 months ago
In parts of eastern Germany, teens are making up a growing percentage of perpetrators of hate crimes. St. Louis Public Radio’s Ryan Delaney traveled to Germany in the fall with support from the Pulitzer Center. He reports several nonprofits are working with educators and students to teach against anti-semitism and far-right extremism.

Monday, January 25, 2021 - Black Doctors And The Vaccine

3 years 7 months ago
Some African Americans in the St. Louis region do not trust the coronavirus vaccine because of the country’s history of racism in the healthcare system. Doctors and health officials in the St. Louis area are educating Black patients about the vaccine to build trust.

Sylvester Brown On ‘White Castles With Jesus & Uncle Ray At The Used Tire Shop’

3 years 7 months ago
Sylvester Brown’s new book, “White Castles with Jesus and Uncle Ray at the Used Tired Shop,” collects stories and essays the St. Louis native and longtime journalist wrote from 1995 to 2018. That period covers Brown’s years as the founder and publisher of upstart Take Five Magazine, his tenure as a columnist at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and his many years of maintaining a blog.