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Board of Building Appeals

  RE:     Board of Building Appeal CFO 2159 - 3436 Pennsylvania

             Board of Building Appeal 4708 - 6222 Carlsbad

             Board of Building Appeal 4709 - 1313 Benton
The Board of Building Appeals of the City of St. Louis will meet via Zoom on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. to consider the following appeals:

CFO 2159 - filed by Eric Lane from the determination of the Building Commissioner relative to complying with various sections of the Propt Maint Code at 3436 Pennsylvania.

4708 - filed by Aaron Bunse from the determination of the Building Commissioner relative to complying with Table 302.1(1) of the Residential Code and Policy Memo dated 2-1-21 from the Bldg Comm at 6222 Carlsbad.  

4709 - filed by Jeffrey Lutjens from the determination of the Building Commissioner relative to complying with various sections of the Bldg Code at 1313 Benton.

CC:    Posting 
          Building Commissioner    
          Tim Jeffries, Randy Ulrich, Sherran White, Chris Schlumm, Joe Kovac

          Aldermen - 1, 7, 14 Wards
          Evan Devers
          Myia Wood
         John McLaughlin

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 961 610 0275
Passcode: FDhmG9

Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 961 610 0275
Passcode: 892471

Event Type: Meeting
When: Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 01:00 PM
Neighborhood: City-Wide
Ward: Many Wards
Admission: Free.
Contact Phone: (314) 622-3332